- Cradle Orchestra Sunday Morning 歌詞
- Cradle Orchestra
- Sunday Morning
週日清晨 Birds are Chirping on a awning 鳥兒們在窗外的雨棚上啼叫 Sunday Morning 在一片嘰嘰喳喳的鳥鳴聲中 Birds are Chirping on and on and 我開始了新的一天
明媚的陽光照亮了櫥窗 It's Sunday good morning sunshine lus canoe 我吃著早餐打開了音箱 Ella Fitzgerald and Coltrane on my 耳邊環繞著大師樂章感到心安(Ella Fitzgerald&John Coltrane) Stereo, as I grab some cereal 這真是一個不錯的開端 I'm off to a good start like cheerio 呦呦切克鬧耶耶 Pip pip, get along, get get 今天的我早就已經忘記了昨日的瑣事 It's a whole new day, yesterday I forget 現在我正隨著音樂肆意舞動 But I feel just fine, cuz when it's time to dance 感到無比歡快 I let my feet just fly 非常感謝我的英雄Frank Sinatra Thanks a lot ya, Frank Sina tra 在過去一直指引著我 Heroes of my past who helped my Chakra 幫助我冥想給予我力量 Help me meditate just a bit more propa 讓我編曲風格變得比歌劇更加美妙動人 And have made style classier then Opera 嘬一口咖啡吃一口吐司 Sip my coffee with Breakfast toast 今天是我這週最懷念尊敬你的日子 Of the days of the week I respect you most 我不會去回复那些只想工作的俗人 I won't pick up the phone if its monday calling 我更願舒服的坐著來享受這個早晨 But I'll sit and relax on a Sunday Morning 週日清晨 Sunday Morning 鳥兒們在窗外的雨棚上啼叫 Birds are Chirping on a awning 不論外面天氣如何 Everything just feels a little better 一切都是那麼的舒適自然 Sunday morning no matter the weather 我永遠都喜歡這樣的日子 I love the way it is 刮完鬍子後再往臉上潑灑點清水
只需要這樣我就能變得神清氣爽 A quick splash of my aftershave 鏡子裡的我看著有點像Miles Davis一般憂鬱 Helps me stay fresh, yes that's the way 但很快我就找到了一張離我最近的沙發 It's a - kinda blue like miles day-vis 聽著Mista Mista(Fugees)心滿意足的躺下 We miss ya, Mista mistacan ya 這個週日,真是比百事可樂還甜 Point the direction of the nearest sofa 我覺得自己比智齒還要聰明 Sunday, sweeter then a pepsi cola 來自仙女的讚賞我虛心接納 I feel smarter then a wisdom tooth 用雙手支撐起腦袋我思考著未來 Two cents from the fairy that I give them to 跟別的日子比起來今天更合我意 (uh) in the palm of my head is life 正所謂眼不見心不煩 Other days don't fit me, but today is just - right 不論接下來的日子會是怎麼樣 Out of mind, out of sight, 你一直都將是我的最愛和選擇 Out of every single day you the one I most - like 請不要為我們今日的小憩而擔憂 And the one I most choose 何不把鞋子放好你也來一起放鬆 Please don't be alarmed if today we just -snooze 週末總能給我們帶來美好的心情 Kick back and put our sneakers up 週日清晨 Sunday holds it down when the week is up(yeah) 鳥兒們在窗外的雨棚上啼叫 Sunday Morning 不論外面天氣如何 Birds are Chirping on a awning 一切都是那麼的舒適自然 Everything just feels a little better 我永遠都喜歡這樣的日子 Sunday morning no matter the weather 別人總是跟我說哪些該做哪些別做 I love the way it is 他們還列出長長的清單試圖賣給我
告訴我周五的夜晚適合去派對狂歡 It is what it is they tell me 而周六則是個與情人約會的好日子 My friends got a whole long list to sell me 但我早就心有所屬了 Saying, Friday is the night to party 週日的清晨在我心中就像陽光般溫暖 And a Saturday is date get naughty 是我整個靈魂的依托 But I. already got my heart set on one, 我們志趣相投所以放著音樂一起搖擺 Sunday morning, warm as the sun 請告訴Elvis我已經改掉了自私的毛病 A total eclipse of the Soul 他的Blue Suede Shoes一直鞭笞著我前進 Birds of a feather so we rock and roll 當我在廚房大展身手時也一直聽著這首歌 Tell Elvis I'm far to selfish 照下鏡子然後給帥氣的自己來個早安吧 Blue Swayed shoes only used to belt this 雞蛋和培根再搭配上牙買加的雞肉 Fly off the kitchen counter while I'm cookin 喔請仔細聽現在播放的是Bob Marley Look into the mirror, say good morning good lookin' 這真的是太對我的口味了 Eggs and Bacon, Jamaican chicken 對於這個美妙的早晨我不必再多說什麼了吧 Is Bob Marley playing,check and listen 週日清晨 If he is it must be my day 鳥兒們在窗外的雨棚上啼叫 Sunday morning ain't no more to say 在一片嘰嘰喳喳的鳥鳴聲中
我開始了新的一天 Sunday Morning Birds are Chirping on a awning Sunday Morning Birds are Chirping on and on and