- Sunkissed Child 歌詞 Iguocho D Smoke Jill Scott
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- Jill Scott Sunkissed Child 歌詞
- Iguocho D Smoke Jill Scott
你好來自英格伍德的說唱歌手 Say hello to the Ingle-born spitter 輕輕附和著異鄉的韻律 sing along to the 套上一件Pringle毛衣(蘇格蘭頂級服裝品牌) tunes out the womb got my pringle on 我慢慢累積矽步而其他人深陷漩渦之中 stacking cheddar chips they better listen find theyself upon river 隨波逐流吃盡苦頭仍然舉步維艱 floating in the mainstream thangs seem bitter 我虛心請教前輩的經驗 soaking up game from a OG 我小有名氣之後身邊圍繞著阿諛奉承的小人 plenty *****s know me and most of them just wanna feed dinner 在彌諾陶洛斯(古希臘神話中人身牛頭怪物)的強權下很難保持尊嚴 to they miniatures but the minotaur manure that they endure daily make the home seem chiller 他目光黯淡看似駭人寒冷 cold stares from they very own while feet pitter 腳底卻一拍一拍輕觸地面 pat across the floor ain't ever four he speaks jibber- 緊緊跟著他最愛的鼓點 -rish plus the lyrics of his favorite deliver- 一字一句都吐露真心 -ry man he sayin what he hear so speak clearer 一言一語早已褪去兒時稚氣 instead of being raised by cartoons 你的孩子打小就沉浸在說唱獨特的韻律中 your little man's a fan of rap songs he being raised by tunes 這純粹的精神超脫比鑽石更加恆久雋永 where the spirit of the lyrics don't deposit him with jewels 你成就了他現在他是一名教師(煙弟曾在Inglewood Highschool執教) and you working late hours so now he's acting up in school 老師們感觸頗深啊 and the teacher's overwhelmed 無需苛求揠苗助長 she doesn't ask enough 而是甘願默默庇護這些年輕靈魂 to move them young souls forward they steady backing up 我們需要將蓬勃熱情注入他們心靈 while passing out passion I swear we need our rations up 最終我們將安然棲息在無盡的愛中 and this journey is certain to bring us back to love 柔情的觸碰 Just a touch of love 寥寥無幾 a little bit 我需要更多 more than a little bit 我們若在一起可以贏得更多 we can win on some simple **** 繼續愛這個世界我們可以擷取溫暖陽光 keep showing love we could benefit, especially if you sunkissed 被陽光吻過的孩子他們怎敢如此傷害你? Sunkissed child how dare they treat you rude 我願意淺淺低吻你的傷痕 I'll Hershey kiss your wounds I do 後會有期一定保重啊 See you You 她為摯愛悉心傾註一切 She put that on everything that she love 一枚鑽石戒指和一棟房子卻不代表夢想成真 a wedding ring and a hub would mean she living a dream but that wasn't quite what it was 她和家人似乎能憑此過得更好 knew when she got that ring that her family would level up 但為何要安享此刻的平靜呢 like, “why'd we just settle down?” 興風作浪是注定的宿命 naw we just settled up 為更好的日子苦苦掙扎新郎卻不會表達 still wrestling with addiction new hubby ain't said enough 把塞給她 he just handed her the pipe 告訴她這是絕對是始料未及的尺寸 looked at her and said a puff would take you places you can't imagine or fathom 是一個恐怖的詞語 a drug is such a terrible word 且就叫它'可以麻痺痛苦的物質' let's say this little substance can numb the pain 癮總是反复無常 wait come again 人人都加入了這場搏鬥 we got everything to lose 你又在追求什麼 what you trying to gain 他說這可以讓彼此聯繫更加緊密 he said this can bring us closer 釋懷吧像夏天的小雨一樣輕柔地落在我肩上 we getting older, just let go and lean on my shoulder like summer rain 戒指上的小小石頭璀璨耀目她希望這誓言地久天長 so she put that little rock in the opening hoping that gesture would demonstrate commitment while they both were finding forever and inhaled 天堂抑或是煉獄下定決心一路伴隨 took her to heaven and then hell but meant well 被陽光吻過的孩子他們怎敢這樣傷害你? Sunkissed child how dare they treat you rude 我願意淺淺低吻你的傷痕 I’ll Hershey kiss your wounds I do 後會有期 一定保重啊 See you You 被陽光吻過的孩子 他們怎敢這樣傷害你? Sunkissed child how dare they treat you rude 我願意淺淺低吻你的傷痕 I'll Hershey kiss your wounds I do 後會有期一定保重啊 See you You