- 百寸兒 廣場舞之神 歌詞
- 百寸兒
- 製作人:陸放(D.S)
Produced by Lu 發行:FutureFlame藍火榜 Release: futureflame 廣場舞之神(G.O.S.D) God of square dance (g.o.s.d) 天要黑嘍 Its going to be dark 吃完飯的出來嘍 Come out after dinner 拿著大音箱廣場集合嘍 Gather in the big box square 吃完飯遛狗的遛狗 Walking the dog after dinner 擼燒烤喝酒的喝酒 Drinking on barbecue 提上我的健步鞋秋褲往裡揶 I put on my walking shoes and autumn trousers and went to the inside 偷摸往窗外瞅 Peeking out the window 內存卡曲兒好幾首 Memory card several songs 引領了大媽和老頭 Led the aunt and the old man 胯下的共享單車 Bike sharing in the hip 讓風兒跟我走 Let the wind follow me 小老弟腳下的滑板好神奇 The skateboard under my feet is amazing 好像是帶T那真是相當給力 Its like Turbo. Thats pretty awesome. 胳膊肘波棱蓋一起著地沒嗝屁 No burp on the ground with the elbows 公園里相親角的大姨 Aunt in the dating corner in the park 擱哪等著三室一廳年入百萬的賢婿 Where are you waiting for your son-in-law with three bedrooms and one living room 張嘴就幾十萬天價彩禮嚇得小伙兒都不敢去 Open mouth on the price of hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts scared the kids do not dare to go 日落西山黑了天 The sun set and the sky darkened 以舞會友場中間 In the middle of the party 直播小伙礙我眼 The live guy is in my eye 輪滑少年愛跑偏 Roller skaters love to run off course 排陣型站好隊 Stand in line 最前排得有老妹 There has to be an old girl in the front row Are you ready 123 Are you ready 123 一個八拍征服你 Conquer you in eight beats 腦袋搖起來 Shake your head 胳膊甩起來 Swing your arms 小腿踢起來 Kick your legs up 雙腳離地跳起來 Jump your feet off the ground 腰子扭起來 The waist twisted 大腚撅起來 Pucker up 前面那是嘎哈的 Thats GAHA in front 別擋道給我趕緊起開 Get out of the way. Get out of the way 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服你就來 If you dont like square dance, you can come 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服你就來 If you dont like square dance, you can come 大姑娘美大姑娘浪 Big girl beautiful big girl wave 大姑娘掉拍了趕不上趟 The big girl lost her photo and couldnt catch up 我手把手傾囊授佝佝僂往前湊老娘們叫我偶像 I bent my hands and bent forward . I called me idol 鞋都甩飛多少雙 How many pairs of shoes are flying 禮都收了多少筐 How many baskets have you received 徒弟在四海八方 The apprentice is in all directions 數不清有多少手下敗將 There are countless defeated generals 這片社區我最強拿過了無數得獎 Im the best in this community , and Ive won countless awards 想當年不小心受了傷 I think I was hurt by accident 大夫讓我消停靜養我技癢 The doctor told me to stop my itching 熟悉的節奏一跟上 The familiar rhythm follows 只聽那嘎巴一聲響 Just listen to the rattle 老鐵我從此在床上 Old fellow iron, I am in bed now. 一躺 Lie down 傳說已成過往 Legend is a thing of the past 哎我這不是那誰麼 Ah, I am not that who 以前可厲害了 It used to be great 從東北跳到港澳去了 From northeast to Hong Kong and Macao 我以前還是他徒弟呢 I used to be his apprentice 真的騙人我你孫子 Im a real liar, your grandson 路過的黑摩的嗖嗖嗖 The swish of passing black Mo 老年人代步車慢悠悠 The old peoples scooter is slow 走路時低下頭好好瞅 Look down when you walk 誰家狗拉粑粑沒人收 Whose dog pulls Baba, nobody collects it 手機和錢包都裝進褲兜 Cell phones and purses go into trouser pockets 甩丟了你還成天犯愁 Lose you and worry all day 小破孩的腳臭踢壞了玻璃要挨揍 The little broken childs foot is going to be beaten if it breaks the glass 夜市裡擺攤生意不咋地大意 The stall business in the night market is not so careless 賠了積蓄完了變本加厲 After paying for the savings, well get worse 賣到一半突然沒天然氣 Half sold, suddenly no gas 巡邏收走爐壁他掩面哭泣 Patrol took away the furnace wall, he covered his face and wept 別天真了做買賣哪有那麼容易 Dont be naive. Its not so easy to do business 年輕人要更加努力擼胳膊挽袖再接再厲 Young people should try harder to roll their arms and sleeves, and make persistent efforts 褲子往肚臍眼上使勁提 The trousers were heaved up to the navel 日落西山黑了天 The sun set and the sky darkened 王者歸來場中間 The King returns to the middle of the field 地桌排檔全是煙 The floor stall is full of smoke 叫賣吆喝烤冷面 Sell and yell for cold noodles 排陣型站好隊 Stand in line 音響邊就我一人 Im alone at the stereo Put u hands up 123 Put u hands up 123 一個八拍征服你 Conquer you in eight beats 腦袋搖起來 Shake your head 胳膊甩起來 Swing your arms 小腿踢起來 Kick your legs up 雙腳離地跳起來 Jump your feet off the ground 腰子扭起來 The waist twisted 大腚撅起來 Pucker up 前面那是嘎哈的 Thats GAHA in front 別擋道給我趕緊起開 Get out of the way. 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服就來 Square dance will come if you dont accept it 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服就來 Square dance will come if you dont accept it 甩甩甩甩 Toss and jerk 你得顛噠起來 Youve got tobump 甩甩甩甩 Toss and jerk 你得顛噠起來 Youve got to bump 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服你就來 Square dance will come if you dont accept it 廣場舞這塊廣場舞這塊 Square dance this square dance 廣場舞這塊不服你就來