- Soccer Mommy 3am at a Party 歌詞
- Soccer Mommy
- I wish we had chances to talk like this
我希望我們會有像這樣談談的機會 A little more often 多有一些這樣的時候 But you were always dealing with your girlfriend's **** 但是你一直沉浸在你女朋友的一堆破爛事裡 And i was always feeling broken over it 而我卻對此卻一直感覺殘碎不齊 我喜歡陽光照在你頭髮上的樣子 I like the way your hair looks in the sun 而當你撞到每個人的時候 And when you're banging into everyone 我會去到你參加的每一個表演只為看你一眼 I go to all your shows to watch you play 然後我會非常希望你能留下 And afterwards i hang out only if you stay 我多想你從不會心碎如此
我多想你不會在醉酒時和她纏綿 I wish you never got your heart so broke 我多想你不會在你朋友的屋子里約會 I wish you didn't sleep with her when you were drunk 因為她從來不會以我愛你的方式愛你 I wish you didn't make out in your friend's bedroom 而且你值得更好的但是你覺得你不行 'cause she won't ever love you like the way i do 你值得比你想要的人更好的對象
你值得那些你從來沒有正眼瞧過的人 And you deserve better but you think you don't 你值得像我一樣的人 You deserve better than the ones you want You deserve better yet you'll never see You deserve better from someone like me