- STARSET into the unknown 歌詞
- Dislocated
不知所踪 Self is fading 挫平棱角,鋒芒褪去 Falling back from what I was 回溯到夙昔的純粹 Flying through existence 思想掙脫軀殼的束縛 Tumbling towards a burning sun 沖向烈日千陽 Something screaming in the distance 只聞聲聲低吟傳自迢遙 Telling me to come 引我前往 It's calling me 它在呼喚我
你是否仍在遠方望穿秋水 Are you out there waiting? 我能聽見這聲聲召喚 I can hear it calling 此刻親眼所見也不足為信 It takes more than eyes to see 此刻能源已悉數枯竭 It's out in the energy but 我聽到了它的指引 I can hear it calling 踏上人跡罕至的蹊徑
獨自面對黑夜茫茫 Take the path less traveled 燦爛星河即是我前進的方向 Face the darkness on my own 天際盡頭才是我漫遊的終章 Into the starlight will I go 命運自然水落石出 Until the end I will roam 虛無造就我最終的歸宿 Fate itself unraveled 於璀璨星河之後儘情追逐 Make the emptiness my home 彷彿箭光劃過未知的蒼穹 Into the starlight will I go 寸步難行 Soaring into the unknown 杳無音信
是朗朗現實亦或是飄渺幻夢? Suffocated 我分明聽見它在召喚 Voice has faded 雙眼遠不能分辨真假虛實 Is this real or in my mind? 最後的能源也悉數耗盡,但是......
這呼喊聲振聾發聵 I can hear it calling 另闢無人涉足的道路 It takes more than eyes to see 直面黑暗不露怯懦 It's out in the energy but 化作彗尾穿梭浩瀚星海 I can hear it calling 在宇宙彼岸奏響旅途的曲末
命運終將揭開帷幕 Take the path less traveled 讓虛無成為我的歸宿 Face the darkness on my own 星光會是我前進的方向 Into the starlight will I go 在未知中肆意翱翔 Until the end I will roam Fate itself unraveled Make the emptiness my home Into the starlight will I go Soaring into the unknown