- Teleman Lady Low 歌詞
- Teleman
- Driving, lost on the motorway, lady
開著車,迷失在高速公路上,女士 In the mecedes is smiling 在奔馳車上笑著 what can she see through her dirty windows ? 透過污濁的窗口她能看見什麼 Low land, spires of the churches enchant me 低地上,教堂的塔尖吸引了我 girls on their bicycles pass me 騎單車的女孩與我擦肩而過 making their way through their lives so quietly 悄無聲息的駛向她們的生活 And oh now it's late in the evening I'm drowning 而現在已是半夜我昏昏沉沉 Visions of you all around me 你的幻覺環繞著我 Probably best if I don't stay home again tonight 也許我今晚沒待在家裡是最好的
女士你想慢慢地侵蝕我 Lady your trying to get to me slowly 像雕塑家一樣地鑿刻我 chipping away like the sculptor 而我是你的一塊冰冷的大理石 and I am a block of your cold, cold marble 告訴我,什麼時候咒語才會顯靈 Tell me, when will the spell take affect then? 我能期待什麼呢,oh What can I learn to expect, oh 我很高興能在時間裡過得如此緩慢 I'm happy to be in the time so slowly 女士看看你是怎樣離開我的 Lady look at the way that you left me 沒有把我斬草除根 forgetting to kill me completely 被我解開的鞋帶絆倒 Stumbling round with my shoelaces untied 開著車,迷失在高速公路上,女士
在我旁邊依舊在微笑 Driving lost on the motorway, Lady 默默地浮於表面 Sitting beside me still smiling 但是女士,你最好離開我 Come to the surface and float so quietly 跟我同歸於盡在深深的海底 But lady, it's probably best if you leave me 如果我能深入你內心,我能看見什麼透過你的眼睛 Dragging us both into the deep sea (END) What would I see through your eyes if I could get inside? (END)