- WILD I believe in US 歌詞
- 製作人: Tyler Thompson
可能我隨我父親 Maybe I'm like my dad 又有點隨我母親 A little bit like my mother 我不知道這樣會不會挺糟的 I don't know if that's bad 可是我終究不會重返青春 But I ain't getting any younger 可能我有點頭腦發熱 Maybe I' m over my head 又有點壓力山大 A little bit under pressure 可是我現在要把煩惱拋到腦後 But imma leave this right here 我將奔向生活中的美好 I'm moving onto something better 我們都在想辦法 We're all figuring it out 我們都在排除疑慮 We're all pushing through the doubt 嘿!我相信我們 Hey! I believe in us 大膽問我是否需要愛吧 Don't mind asking if I need some love 嘿!我是認真的 Hey! I'm serious 別老想著恐懼 Don't think about the fear that much 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright, yeah 嘿!我們可以度過難關的 Hey! We can light it up 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us 都說我看著像我的朋友 Say I look like my friends 我們不知道在駛向何處 And we don't know where we're going 可是我們擁有特別的東西 But we got something special 如果你想看的話讓我為你展示吧 If you only let me show ya 可能我就是眾人說的那般 Maybe I'm what they say 我有點迷失 That I'm a little bit lost 有點瘋狂 I'm a little bit crazy 那就任由他們吧 Maybe that's all okay 我不需要別人來拯救我 I don't need no one to save me 我們都在想辦法 We're all figuring it out 我們都在排除疑慮 We're all pushing through the doubt 嘿!我相信我們 Hey! I believe in us 大膽問我是否需要愛吧 Don't mind asking if I need some love 嘿!我是認真的 Hey! I'm serious 別老想著恐懼 Don't think about the fear that much 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright, yeah 嘿!我們可以度過難關的 Hey! We can light it up 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us 我相信我們 (Believe in us 排除疑慮 Pushing through the doubt 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright 我相信我們 Believe in us 排除疑慮 Pushing through the doubt 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright) 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright, yeah 嘿!我相信我們 Hey! I believe in us 大膽問我是否需要愛吧 Don't mind asking if I need some love 嘿!我是認真的 Hey! I'm serious 別老想著恐懼 Don't think about the fear that much 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright, yeah 嘿!我們可以度過難關的 Hey! We can light it up 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us 我們會好起來的 We're gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright 會好起來的 Gonna be alright, yeah 嘿!我們可以度過難關的 Hey! We can light it up 我相信我們 I believe, I believe, I believe in us