- WILD love afterlife 歌詞
- 製作人: Tyler Thompson
我們都有自己的緣由 We both had our reasons 都需要依賴於 Both had to lean on 那些支撐我們活下去的動力 What kept us alive 你隨季節更替而改變 You change with the seasons 但我還沒走 But I wasn't leaving 我身後擁有著整個宇宙 My world behind 但獲得的愛意 But any love gained 可以永不消逝嗎 Can never be lost 我肩負著世界之重 I carry the weight of it all 無論你身在何處 Wherever you are 你點綴了我的星空 You fill up my sky 因為我們曾經 Cause what we once had 跨越了時空的距離 Transcends space and time 就像點點星辰 Just like the stars 你仍熠熠生輝 You're still burning bright 穿過了那些無盡空洞的黑暗 Through all the empty darkness we'll find 為愛而生 Love after life 現在暴風雨不再 Now the storm is over 我開始感受到了 I start to remember the warmth 陽光普照的溫存 Of the sun 我可以看到美好的藍圖 I can see all that we promised to be 當我們學會獨自前行的時候 Coming to terms as we're learning to leave 因為所獲得的愛 Cause any love gained 是不會消失的 Can never be lost 我承受了世界之重 I carry the weight of it all 無論你身在何處 Wherever you are 你裝點了我的星空 You fill up my sky 因為我們曾經 Cause what we once had 跨越了時空的距離 Transcends space and time 就像點點星辰 Just like the stars 你仍熠熠生輝 You're still burning bright 穿過了無盡空洞的黑暗 Through all the empty darkness we'll find 我們好像不能成為想要變成的人了 We couldn't make what we promised to be 我們所看到的戰爭撕裂我們 The wars that we waged that our eyes couldn't see 但又把兩顆破碎的心合二為一 It tore us apart but it takes two broken hearts to make one that's complete 我們都有自己的緣由 We both had our reasons 無論你身在何處 Wherever you are 你是我的光 You fill up my sky 我們曾經 Cause what we once had 打破了時空的限制 Transcends space and time 無論你身在何處 Wherever you are 你是我的全世界 You fill up my sky 因為我們曾經 Cause what we once had 打破了時空的限制 Transcends space and time 就像點點星辰 Just like the stars 你仍閃閃發光 You're still burning bright 經歷漫漫黑夜 Through all the empty darkness we'll find 為了你為了愛熱愛生活 Love after life