- 目黒將司 reach out TOT和truth 歌詞
- 目黒將司
- Now I face out
如今我坦然直面 I hold out 永不言棄 I reach out to the truth of my life 我定要把握人生的真相 Seeking to seize on the whole moment yeah! 無論何時都不放棄找尋 Yeah naked truth lies, only if you realize 唯有你足夠警覺方能揭露真實皮下的謊言 Appearing in nobodys eyes, till they sterilize 無人會將視線傾注於仍未洗清之物 Stop the guerrilla warfare to keep it fair 別再孤軍奮戰一起上才算公平 Bro, change your rage to a smarter greater cause 兄弟找點比怒火更實際的動力吧 You know the stake is high stardom is near 你心裡清楚越是唾手可得的東西風險越高 Those who sympathized you died, Killers pass you by 同伴一個接一個倒下真兇仍在逍遙法外 Do not waste your time hating flirting guys 別把你的時間浪費在那些玩弄人心的傢伙身上 Use your might to AIs to do justice to them all 把鋼用在刀刃上盡力分辨善惡 Now I face out 如今我坦然直面 I hold out 永不言棄 I reach out to the truth of my life 我定要把握人生的真相 Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away! 無論何時都不放棄找尋現在正是破除迷霧之時! Oh God let me out, Can you let me out? 神啊 放我出去吧 你能救我出去嗎? Can you set me free from this dark inner world? 你能將我救出這個封閉的黑暗世界嗎? Save me now last beat in the soul 救救我吧在靈魂鼓動最後一聲心跳之前
世間萬物總在墨守成規 Yeah,flooded apple pie 直到有人悲傷才知改變 Left until somebody cries 總有混賬在背後對弱者指指點點 Goddamn always talking shizzle behind man get left behind 來吧別管那些流言蜚語告訴我你真正想要的 Come on and quit that shizzle tell me what you really want 姑娘們大點聲我從你們的音調中聽不出任何東西 Louder ladies, I can feel nothing in the tone of your voice 越是與人親近越懂人們作何反應 Closer it gets yall know how everything reflects 你的靈魂早已迷失裝作欲拒還迎 Your soul and spirits lost, pretends gets rejects 小伙子你瞧你成了自己最厭惡的那個樣子 Look man, you are one who actually you detest 我猜你會用這些來當逃避現實的好藉口 I guess theyre good reasons why you cant see next 如今我面對現實
勇往直前 Now I face up 我定要洗淨世間的荒誕無稽 I make head 無論何時都保持思考與觀察決戰即將拉開帷幕! I bleach out cock and bull of this globe 神啊 夠了吧!你滿足了嗎? Thinking and seeing on the whole moment Now Its on! 我可受夠了在你的掌心裡跳舞 Oh God its enough!Are you satisfied? 救救我吧在靈魂鼓動最後一聲心跳之前 Its already disgusting to dance with your palm 如今我坦然直面 Save me now last beat in the soul 永不言棄 Now I face out 我定要把握人生的真相 I hold out 無論何時都不放棄找尋現在正是破除迷霧之時! I reach out to the truth of my life 神啊 放我出去吧 你能救我出去嗎? Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away! 你能將我救出這個封閉的黑暗世界嗎? Oh God let me out, Can you let me out? 救救我吧在靈魂鼓動最後一聲心跳之前 Can you set me free from this dark inner world? 請救救我吧在靈魂鼓動最後一聲心跳之前 Save me now last beat in the soul Oh please save me now last beat in the soul