- Mayer 馬克圖布 歌詞
- Terry Mayer
- 編曲:Fake blood
錄音:夏梵 混音、母帶:商靖萱 Rap:Terry Hook:Mayer Appreciate u all Let's get it Terry: 壓力烏雲蓋頂悶的我喘不過氣 我只覺得快要窒息 懷疑初心的目的 當初看自己一路奮進怎麼會任性 小時候精誠所至金石為開八字真言放棄忘記 螳臂擋車靈感缺失沒夜沒日的寫歌 我打開了塵封了很久的隨身聽開始播放那半島鐵盒 我聽了一遍一遍不忍心按下切歌 回想當年信誓旦旦的音樂夢遭自己深刻譴責 我不我從來對輸抵觸 鮮花沒收過幾束路剛剛走了幾步 那追逐滿天繁星的牧羊少年他才剛剛起步 他心裡從來沒忘記那句阿拉伯語 馬克圖布 I do everything it take to face 我傾盡全力完成上天賦予的使命 All that destiny has been fate it wont be late 一切都不會太遲 My body is bleeding but that heart is still there beating 我遍體鱗傷,但心臟仍在跳動 Tears stream on my cheeks 淚水奔湧 For my eyes get clean 只為洗淨雙眼 Mayer I found him stand in Fire 我看見他站在熊熊烈火之中 The beautiful pain with smile 笑對這美麗的痛苦 He takes over the torches 他接過火炬 Suffer and lift it high 將它高高舉起 The time i close my eyes 我閉上雙眼的時候 I found that pretty sight 也能感受到那燦爛的光芒 He's flying to the light 他正向著那光飛去 To the light to the light 從不回頭 Terry The story don't stop let me push it to top 故事還未完結,那就將它推向高潮吧 Every single day like a war i say just take the shot 既然每天都像戰爭,那就去戰鬥吧[01:30.39]There so many bad mood anytime u can lose 悲傷纏繞著我,隨時可能會輸 Just cut it all off mama i wanna tell ya 那就索性斬斷它吧媽媽我想對你說 I cant 我已不記得 Remember how many times i was losing my mind to yell at ya blame ya and push ya 曾多少次發瘋似的向你叫喊推搡 I can't 當我看見你崩潰的時候 Forgive myself when i saw u try 我不能原諒自己 I can't 當你流淚的時候 Forgive myself when i saw u cry 我覺得自己是個混蛋 Mayer I found him stand in Fire 我看見他站在熊熊烈火之中 The beautiful pain with smile 笑對這美麗的痛苦 He takes over the torches 他接過火炬 Suffer and lift it high 將它高高舉起 The time i close my eyes 我閉上雙眼的時候 I found that pretty sight 也能感受到那燦爛的光芒 He's flying to the light 他正向著那光飛去 To the light to the light 從不回頭 Terry I used to be that kind of kid 我曾經是那樣懵懂無知的孩子啊 Only be i like to be 為所欲為 Everything i fight no sit 對一切都充滿敵意 What ever die or live 無視生死 Nightmare take over my night 反正噩夢蠶食了我的寧夜 I have been murdered inside 早已謀殺了我的靈魂 But I am still alive 但是我仍然活著 Warrior don't need to hide 真正的戰士不需要逃避 暴風雨無法抗拒它衝破萬丈防禦 我從來沒有忘記 曾經陽光多美麗 大雁南飛的軌跡 多少次墜落累計 面臨那槍林彈雨讓我變得有點匪氣 Bridge Terry Fly in the air 在風中飛翔 Cry in the rain 在雨裡痛哭 Die in the day 在白天死去 I am loving pain 我享受煎熬 Mayer I have been burnt so i can show that pain 我曾被烈火焚身,因此知道那有多痛 Become a spark to light the space take me there 化為一個火星,我能點燃整個宇宙 Terry Wanna get it closer? 想要靠近一點? Don't wait that when ya older 別再等了,光陰如梭 Life is a shuttle 路人啊[02:53.70]Passengers wanna be sky walker 你是否想成為天行者 Where is your booster? 你的動力呢 It's under your colorful cheat talk 它就封存在你的胡言亂語中 Or your golden keyboard cut them baby beat all 快擺脫它們去戰勝一切吧 坐在台下的一些觀眾他們只能鼓掌 腦袋裡浮想把功成名就一人獨享 全在胡講不把別人的辛酸故事讀檔 勵志故事在別人的書架不屬於賭場 Mayer I found him stand in Fire 我看見他站在熊熊烈火之中 The beautiful pain with smile 笑對這美麗的痛苦 He takes over the torches 他接過火炬 Suffer and lift it high 將它高高舉起 The time i close my eyes 我閉上雙眼的時候 I found that pretty sight 也能感受到那燦爛的光芒 He's flying to the light 他正向著那光飛去 To the light to the light 從不回頭 I found him stand in Fire 我看見他站在熊熊烈火之中 The beautiful pain with smile 笑對這美麗的痛苦 He takes over the torches 他接過火炬 Suffer and lift it high 將它高高舉起 The time i close my eyes 我閉上雙眼的時候 I found that pretty sight 也能感受到那燦爛的光芒 He's flying to the light 他正向著那光飛去 To the light to the light 從不回頭 Ha ya~ Through the stars shine 穿越閃耀的星辰 Feel that heat rise 感受熱烈的溫度 Flame in the air 那是天空的火焰 馬克圖布