- Mapps Untitled.als 歌詞
- Mapps
- “He just was in so much pain
“他歷經蹉跎 That he, you know, 他你知曉 took it out on his mom 離母 And took it out on his dad 離父 And took it out on his siblings 無姊無兄 But it's almost like he didn't— 一無所有 he didn't feel worthy 無望 because he was rejected 無助 And I don't know 我不知道 how anybody feels with 孤獨何感 having your whole family reject you” 家人反對” “He was searching for “他只是尋覓 whatever made him feel like 一切 he wasn't alone 讓他不孤獨的 And that he wasn't so different” 讓他不離群的東西” “Well I know that “我知道 some people will say that 人們背議 I treated him maternally, 我待他如子 took care of him 關心備至 But I like to think that 但我覺得 it was more I was trying to 我試圖養育他 nurture him rather than take care of him 而非照顧他 Trying to nurture 試著支持他 who he was and get him to 幫他尋找自我 let him do his art, 尊重他的藝術 let him do his music 尊重他的音樂 And encourage him 鼓勵他的心靈 to get better at it 讓他充滿力量 as opposed to trying to stifle him 而非壓抑他的天性 But also not 但 trying to be the mom, 也要待他親切 but trying to be a nurturing 盡力撫育 girlfriend—or friend” 成為他的朋友” “So who would support him?” “誰在支持他? ” “Me” “我” “And what would he do all day “他一天都在做什麼 while you were at work?” 當你工作的時候? ” “It was kind of funny “有點有趣 cause sometimes he would just sit there 因為他只是待著 and watch TV for four hours 看數小時電視 And you'd think 你想啊 he wasn't creating 他不會創作 But he'd be playing guitar 但他愛吉他 while he was doing that 當他如此 or think of stuff later and then, 或時而思考這些事情的時候, you know, 你知道, and you go out for a few hours 你在外多時 and you come back 當回來時 and there's a painting on the wall 牆上有著塗鴉 or there's a big comic strip— 搞笑線條— or whatever , 無論無何, he wrote a song, 他寫了歌, you know, recorded it.” 你知道,我錄了下來.” “ He hated being humiliated. “他覺得自己備受羞辱. He hated it. 他討厭這樣. And if he ever thought 如果他不亂想 he was humiliated, 不會這樣, then you'd see the rage come out. 你會看到他發火 And he was very careful about 他也小心 and stubborn about 固執認為 how the way the artwork was presented 表現的藝術 because he didn't want to be humiliated.” 不想自我蒙羞.' “他在家 “He's home. 下樓時 And he comes downstairs in his little 僅有內褲. whitey tighties. 赤身裸腳 No shirt. Barefoot. 不整潔 Up and in his undies. 發不正 And uh—hairy dong coming out. 無他物 That's another thing 我看著不適 I got sick of looking out. 他就這樣拿著磁帶站著 And he's standing there with this tape 我我問他: in his hand and I go, '這是什麼? ' 'What's that?' 他回答, And he goes, '這是我的新專輯 'It's the master cut to my new album. 我能放給你聽嗎? ’ Can I put it on the stereo?’ 我說:`當然, And I go, 放大聲點! ' ' Yeah! Turn it up. Up, up, up.' 聲漫耳蝸 Cause I listen to music really loud. 看著他, And I look at him and I go, '上帝上帝' 'Oh my god. Oh my god.' 我近乎哭泣.” And I almost start crying.” '就像,每周如此.
有時他會回來 “It just, every week it got worst. 我想藏起來 And sometimes he would come home, 真的糟糕 I think to hide. 他的身體變得疼痛 And it was really bad. 日漸消瘦 He started getting sores and 我深信他知道我了解 losing weight and nodding out. 我第一時間 I was pretty sure he knew I knew. 僅僅是面對他 That I decided one time to 我去了他的房間 just confront him. 他只是坐在床頭 And I went up to his bedroom. 他在哭泣 He's sitting on the side of the bed. 我才來 And he was crying 他知道 because I had just arrived. 我的心碎了 And he knew 我與他促膝長談 it was breaking my heart. 他淚如雨下 That I—and I talked to him about it. 他只是很羞愧 And he burst into tears. ....結束 And he was just ashamed.'