- Paul Simon The Obvious Child 歌詞
- Paul Simon
- Paul Simon'The Obvious Child'歌詞
I'm accustomed to a smooth ride 我沉浸於平淡的人生 Or maybe i'm a dog who's lost its bite 或許我是一隻沒有野性的狗 I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more 我也知道自己有點傻 I don't expect to sleep through the night 我不指望能整夜安睡 Some people say a lie's a lie's a lie 有人說你就騙人吧 But i say why 可是為什麼啊 Why deny the obvious child? 為什麼要為難這個尋常孩子呢 Why deny the obvious child? 為什麼要為難這個尋常孩子呢 And in remembering a road sign 在回憶一個路標時 I am remembering a girl when i was young 我想起了年輕時的姑娘 And we said these songs are true 這些歌不是矯情濫作 These days are ours 那是我們的青春 These tears are free And hey 眼淚自由揮灑 The cross is in the ballpark 棒球場的十字架 The cross is in the ballpark 棒球場的十字架 We had a lot of fun 我們曾經歡笑著 We had a lot of money 我們曾經數著錢 We had a little son and we thought we'd call him sonny 我們曾經還有一個叫桑尼的兒子 Sonny gets married and moves away 桑尼結婚之後搬走了 Sonny has a baby and bills to pay 桑尼有了小孩之後要還貸 Sonny gets sunnier 桑尼變得越來越開朗 Day by day by day by day 日復一日年復一年 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 I've been waking up at sunrise 我隨日出而醒 I've been following the light across my room 追隨著房間裡的光線 I watch the night receive the room of my day 我看見夜色暗了下來 Some people say the sky is just the sky 人們說天即是天 But i say 但我說 Why deny the obvious child? 為什麼要為難這個尋常孩子呢 Why deny the obvious child? 為什麼要為難這個尋常孩子呢
桑尼靠著窗戶檢討自己 Sonny sits by his window and thinks to himself 好奇怪有些房間像是牢籠 How it's strange that some rooms are like cages 桑尼的高中紀念冊 Sonny's yearbook fromhigh school 從架子上掉了下來 Is down from the shelf 於是他百無聊賴地翻閱 And he idly thumbs through the pages 有的人已經入土 Some have died 有的人早已忘記了自己的模樣 Some have fled from themselves 還有的人堅強地四處漂泊 Or struggled from here to get there 桑尼心牆漫步 Sonny wanders beyond his interior walls 不斷地捋著稀疏棕髮 Runs his hand through his thinning brown hair 我沉浸於平淡的人生 Well i'm accustomed to a smoother ride 或許我是一隻沒有野性的狗 Maybe i'm a dog that's lost his bite 我也知道自己有點傻 I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more 我不指望能整夜安睡 I don't expect to sleep the night 有人說你就騙人吧 Some people say a lie is just a lie 但是我說棒球場的十字架 But i say the cross is in the ballpark 做一個平淡的孩子有什麼錯? Why deny the obvious child?