- BANKS till now 歌詞
- I saw you outside
我在人群中認出了你 Wearing my shirt that I gave you to remember me by 穿著我送給你的衣服以為那仍是你我之間的定情信物 I don't respect you much but I hate you much 我心無波瀾厭惡卻滿溢 And I hate the way I miss you sometimes 同時痛恨自己還不時受往事糾纏 Something 'bout the way it's like you're running me over and over 也痛恨著你三番五次折磨我的往事 Something 'bout the way I miss you kissing me over and over 更痛恨著自己懷念與你唇齒相依的感覺 But you've been messing me around 'til now 但你已經玩弄我至今 And I let you push me around 'til now 而我甘願聽你對我發號施令 Had me in your clutch 用你的魔爪將我囚禁 Had my trust and such 將我的那些信任俘獲 Had my head had my heart had my eyes 大腦心臟眼眸由你支配 Baby your words don't add up 但親愛的你的話自相矛盾 Had your gas light on 點燃你的怒火 Then you promised I'm the one who's crazy 然後你又誣陷我才是那個瘋子 There's something 'bout the way it's like you're running me over and over 這就是你如何三番五次折磨我的往事 Something 'bout the way I miss you kissing me over and over 這也是我為何想念你與我唇齒相依的原因 And you put your words in my mouth 'til now 但此刻你的話讓我啞口無言 And I let you turn me around 'til now 但此刻我還是被你左右方向 And you've been messing me around 'til now 但此刻我還是受你玩弄糟蹋 And I let you push me around 'til now 而此刻我還任由你對我指手畫腳。