- Lil Dicky Professional Rapper 歌詞
- Lil Dicky
- Hello, how can I help you?
你好有什麼事嗎 Hi, my name's Dave Burd 你好我叫戴夫·博德 I have an appointment today. It's probably under 'Lil Dicky' 我今天有個預約的面試可能是叫“小屌哥” Actually, I'm a… I'm a rapper, so… 其實吧我是名說唱歌手 OK, and who are you here to see? 哦喲呵你來這找誰 Uh, Snoop Dogg? Says here 'Snoop D-o-g-g' 好像是叫史努比狗狗這兒寫著呢 Oh, yeah. He's right down the hall. First door to your right 這樣子啊你往走廊那邊走右邊第一扇門就是了 Give him a knock and he should be right with you 敲下門他在裡面你進去就好了 Thanks. It's uh, this door right here, right? 謝謝是這扇門嗎 Mm-hmm 對的 Thank you 謝謝 Grab a seat 請坐 Thanks I'm Dave very nice to meet 謝謝我叫戴夫很高興見到你 Dave, what it do? You can call me Dogg 你跟我客氣個什麼叫我狗爺就好 Let me just check your sheet 拿你的簡歷給我瞧瞧 No problem 給你 Sir, let me just say 我只想和你說 I'm a big fan of the shit that y'all make 我是你的鐵粉吶你的歌我都聽過 I can't lie, I been thinking about this all day 不騙你我今天老激動了也想了很多 All good, there's a reason that we called, Dave 哎呦聽你這麼說的話感覺還挺不錯 Let me start with your background 那我們先來聊聊你的出身背景 Where you come from? 說說你的來歷 Sure, I was undergrad down there in Richmond 我在里奇蒙大學讀的本科【因為此時是面試,人們自然會想到回答自己的學歷。但在Hip-Hop文化中,“來歷”都是指家鄉、家庭等】 Before that 大學之前 Oh, you talking bout my hometown? 原來你是說我的家鄉啊 Yeah 對 I was born out of Philly grew up in a little silly old town called Cheltenham 我在切爾滕納姆出生是費城市郊的一個傻不拉幾的小鎮 It was in the suburbs, upper-middle wealth around 生活在那裡的都是中上層階級的家庭 So real shit you ain't never had to struggle for much 哎呦我去你這小日子過得那叫一個爽 I wouldn't say it like that, we just had a different kind of trap 也不能這麼說只是每個人的奮鬥目標不同 Elaborate 具體說說 Well I ain't never had a tool, but I had to be the man at school 我沒有什麼過人的天賦要出人頭地唯有努力讀書 Like I was doing shit I had to do so when I finished undergrad 所以我不得不學習學到吐所以我本科畢業後 I'm cool and I can get whatever job I wanted 我覺得有很多好崗位在等著自己 But the job you wanted wasn't all that bumping 但後來你的工作並不是那麼有意思 Yeah, and I saw it quick all the flaws that be coming when you grow up like that 成長環境決定了你的事業但你發現並不是那麼的完美無瑕 When you been racing them rats, you ain't been making them raps 每天忙於和小人的工作競爭卻沒有時間做歌 Boo hoo what a hardship 原來你過得這麼艱難【Boo hoo表示諷刺的同情】 How you paid to get the rap shit started? 你開始做說唱用的是哪的錢 Man, my Bar Mitzvah money 我的成人禮上收到的錢【受誡禮:為滿13 歲的猶太男孩舉行的成人儀式】 But don't diss me buddy, I wasn't one of them younguns up on the block who had nothing to lose 但你別鄙視我我不像那些出生貧困的說唱歌手他們除了這條路別無選擇 I must've wanted this a lot, I had something to choose 我也很想進入貴圈但對我來說很難抉擇 Look at that, I can say there's something to prove up in your ass 瞧你說的我感覺你還真有潛質玩出點名堂 Yeah, I guess 我也覺得 That's enough of the past, what makes you want to do rap? 了解了你的過往說說你為什麼想做說唱 Oh my god , it's the best 真是福利送不停 Bitches let me draw up on their breasts 可以在女粉絲的胸上簽名 Literally I can reinvent myself 可以重新塑造自己 I get a forum to project myself 有平台來展示自己 It's never boring, every morning I wake up and try to best myself 這樣的日子永遠都不會乏味每天爭做最好的自己 I never got to be suppressed or stealthy to express myself 不用再被限制的只能偷偷地表達自己的想法 It'skinda healthy 這樣多好 Cool, now let me put you through a couple hypotheticals 講得不錯我們來假想幾個情景 Sure 行 In a club and a couple niggas threaten you 夜店裡你被幾個黑哥威脅 Uh, I wouldn't do shit 啊我可不敢作死 And I don't even get what that got to do with this? 不是很懂這和我想做名說唱歌手有什麼關係 Shut the fuck up, rap's like life 你懂個籃子說唱源自生活 If you wanna do this, then you won't get far acting like a little bitch 如果你真想幹這行整得跟個小婊砸似的哪裡有出息 Nah, that's my niche! 這是我的獨門武器 Don't get offended by this, but that's the market y'all missed 並沒有冒犯的意思那可是一塊大家都沒有註意到的市場 That's the target I'll hit 所以我要發起猛擊 And that's the heart of my pitch 這就是我對嘻哈的一片心意 I wanna do this whole thing different 我想把我的音樂做得與眾不同 What the fuck you mean you wanna do the whole thing different? 你說你想做得和別人不一樣是幾個意思 Uh, you know, I-I think, like , you know 那個啥其實我覺得吧 Traditionally people have been doing the job, uh you know, the same kind of way for a long time 嘻哈音樂發展了這麼久人們一直都是按照同一個套路去做 But traditionally speaking, this shit works, right? 套路歸套路但至少行得通你說對吧 Nah, like, I get that, but I-I just think that, you know 確實是這樣但我還是覺得吧那什麼 You don't know if it could be working even better 你怎麼知道我能不能做得更好呢 And I think you should look at me as an opportunity to find that out 而且你可以拿我當做一次機會看看這樣是否行得通 I don't mean any disrespect by that 我的話並非有不敬之意 I'm just saying I have a different background 只是說我和典型的說唱歌手不太一樣 Like a different perspective way of looking at things than your typical applicant 我有一個不同的出身背景便能站在一個不同的角度看待事物 So what are your biggest strengths? 你有哪些擅長之處 Well my flow is crazy, I can switch that amazing 我的flow可不一般變化起來讓你驚嘆 For example, I can be like ain' t nobody fucking with Lil Dicky 現在就給你看看我牛逼起來連我自己都害怕 When he get up on that shit and spit it sick and ridiculous 每當小屌哥拿起麥克風瘋狂噴射開啟外掛 Ripping this shit like it's never been did and the rhythm is never predictable 便能達到前無古人的高度變化多端的節奏讓人無法預料 Cause I can switch it, deliver this shit in whatever cadence you bitches prefer 因為我能隨意地轉換flow的速度來滿足你們每個人的癖好 Alright, alright, I get it 好了好了我知道了 Top of that, lyrically I'm pretty damn clever (Go) 不僅如此我還能玩絕妙的文字遊戲 Got a long bottom bitch, called a hoe Neville (Whoa) 搞到一個火辣美女她就叫納威·翹臀【Long bottom 大屁股,用《哈利波特》的納威·隆巴頓(Neville Longbottom)的名字玩的雙關】 And I blow it from the jump, Derrick Rose knee (Oh) 我一“躍”成名而羅斯一跳膝裂【Lil Dicky因一首'Ex-Boyfriend'一舉成名/NBA球員德里克·羅斯經常膝蓋受傷】 You can say I'm pretty smart how I know better 你大可說我是多麼的聰明機智 And y'all been winning like Pistorius, it's no feat 你們的成功根本算不上是壯舉【 Pistorius 南非殘疾人運動員,人稱刀鋒戰士。這裡feat(壯舉)諧音feet(雙腳)】 Bro, I can go on and on 我還能說出一大堆 I'm taking over and they mad like father-in- laws 我接管了說唱遊戲他們便氣急敗壞 OK enough of the punchline, that ain't showing me you different than the other guys 聽了這麼多雙關語並沒有看出你和其他rapper有任何不同之處 Well I don't know if they can run it like that 雖然我不知道他們玩得能有多棒 But ain't nobody else doing funny type rap 但我知道幾乎沒有人做喜劇說唱 What's that? 啥玩意兒 Well I can tell a story about my morning 跟你說早上我在看《男孩成長記》 Watching Boy Meets World and jerking off to Topanga Lawrence 然後我就對著裡面的托潘加·勞倫斯開始徒手裝逼 Like the 14 year old Topanga 她才14歲哦 Oh this shit like a joke to you? I don't get it 這很好笑嗎真是搞不懂你【同樣是在問Lil Dicky是否把說唱當成玩笑】 Nah it ain't like that 不是你想的那樣 I just happen to be a nutty abundantly funny type of individual, like, as a guy 只是我正巧就是那種人比較幽默風趣也搞怪無厘頭 So when I get up on the mic I ain't finna just lie 拿著麥克風的我一定是最真實的我 Real recognize real, right? 我們都一樣實事求是 Yeah, I guess. So what you trying to do? 的確那你今後有什麼打算 Five years from now, tell me bout the due 說說看未來的五年想怎麼賺 Well, I don't care about the money 其實我並不在乎金錢 Like, it's the respect that I'm wanting 我想得到應有的尊重 Honestly, I just want to be one of the greats 也真的很想成為最具影響力人物之一 Where they gotta bring your boy up every debate 而他們帶給你的只有沒完沒了的爭論 I don't wanna leave the game the same 我想給這個圈子帶來一點改變 In a nutshell, what's your legacy? 簡言之你的精神遺產是什麼 Well, I wanna be the dude that came in and made the stand-up rap 當初我闖入這個圈子就是想做棟篤笑形式的說唱 Put the random rap in demand like that for the people that was anti-rap 將我的歌隨機播放讓那些反感說唱圈現狀的人喜歡上 Yet, the fans of rap start to recognize that anti-rap is ironically one of the real brands of rap left 說唱歌迷開始發現我們這種大反派做的其實是和他們一樣的說唱 That shit sound pretty damn complex 這鬼東西聽起來有點複雜 I guess, I wanna be the best 我想做到最好 I just wanna do it my way 用自己的方式去實現 And turn the whole game sideways 將這個說唱遊戲扭轉局面 And show people you ain't gotta be resigned to the highway 用事實告訴人們放下對傳統模式的執念 You can make a path while these motherfuckers drive straight 走自己的路一樣能闖出屬於你的一片天 I ain't mad at that 這還差不多 Well thanks, man, that's my plan of my attack 謝謝老兄這就是我的作戰計劃 Just let me in and I'mma rap the plaques 我會努力把唱片銷量做大 And I ain't about to win them back to back 他們和我差的不止一點點 I'm bout to win them like it's back to back to back to back to back 之間的差別可謂天壤之別大相徑庭雲泥之差 Til I stop rapping 除非我不干了 You ain't even sold a damn album yet 但你連張專輯都還沒發行過 True 也是 That's a lot of talk from a wily vet 說唱大佬都不大敢這麼說 Let alone a young rook nigga 何況你還是個說唱小白 You misread me 你誤解我了 Nah this ain't a book nigga 大學生這可不是讀書【這裡的book對應上文的read,同時也是在調侃Lil Dicky作為一個文化人是否能勝任Rapper一角】 Well that's one of my flaws, I'm too competitive dawg 這是我的一個弱項但我可有競爭力了 No, you just fucking repetitive dawg 才沒有你就是太嘮叨了 I get it, you trying to be better than all, but you ain't shit until cheddars involved 我知道你想要比其他人強但如果賺不到錢你連狗屎都不是 I get that I gotta prove myself 對啊所以我要證明自己 No shit you ain't done shit 可你現在一事無成 But think about that though 誰說的你要這樣想 Only doing this a couple of years 我玩說唱才這麼幾年 One tape and I'm like this? 出了張mixtape 這樣還不夠嗎 This shit is aight for your first shit 作為一張處子作還算不錯 But you don't know if it's your worst shit 但你不知道這是不是你最爛的作品 You don't think finding out would be worth it? 知道了還能提升自己難道不是更好嗎 It might be, it might not 可能是也可能不是 But I'mma put your ass to work, kid 我會讓你好好乾的孩子 Wait, like, like I have the job? Like really? 等等你是說我得到這份工作了嗎 Well one more thing, let me see if you could put a hook together 對了還有一件事讓我看看你能不能來一段副歌 What would you do for the hook for this song? 你會給這首歌配個什麼樣的副歌 You want me to make a hook up right now? 你是想讓我現在即興來一段嗎 Do I look like the type of nigga that like repeating himself? 難道我像那種喜歡重複自己話的人嗎 Alright, uh, okay 好吧好吧 Man do the hook ! 副歌快點! I'm bout to be professional 哥馬上就是職業歌手了 Homie, I'm professional 哥們儿我是職業歌手 Uh, maybe like a low voice type thing? 要不聲音再壓低一點? Nigga, that shit is garbage man 你這也太沒水準了 Well, you know, I feel like there might have been some upside to it 其實我覺得其中還是有些可圈可點之處的吧 But I'm not good at thinking of things on the spot like that 我並不擅長弄那種即興創作的東西 Don't y'all normally like outsource for that kind of thing sometimes? 你們不是有時候會找人幫忙搭副歌的嗎 Sometimes, but you know, that was some next level Dogg shit right there 只是有時候但你知道那是Nate Dogg那種高水準的活 Yeah, you know, I'm just way better when I get to think things through 說的也是但你得知道在字斟句酌後我會做得更好 Have my like that dual screen action that type of thing 比如說用上我的雙屏電腦 Whatever man, you trying to smoke a blunt? 隨便你啦想來抽一卷嗎 Right now? 現在嗎 Yeah 對 Sure 來啊 Dope. Juanita, bring some weed in here, please. Thank you 胡安妮塔請拿些大麻進來謝謝 You got it, Snoop. I'll be right there 沒問題狗爺馬上就來 Thanks, Juanita. Super nice woman 謝謝胡安妮塔多好的女人啊 Nigga, why does everything you say sound so soft? 你這人說起話來軟綿綿的一點都不剛 Uh, I really don't wanna be spoken to like that , so… 我不喜歡別人和我說話時兇巴巴的所以 Yeah, whatever. Thanks 隨便你啦 Hey, I got y'all y'all weed 給你們拿來了 Damn, that's some great looking weed. It's just so early 這草看上去真是不錯但現在會不會太早了 Can I get you guys anything else while I'm here? Coffee? Tea? Head? Bottled water? 趁我還在你們還需要些什麼嗎咖啡茶口活瓶裝水 D-Did you just say head? 你剛才說口活? Yeah. You ain't never got no head before? 對啊 難道沒人給你口過? I mean… Just feels like… A lot, right now 我感覺現在有點承受不來 OK 不強求 But what kind of tea do you guys have? 你們有些什麼種類的茶 We got mint, raspberry, earl grey, English breakfast… 薄荷茶覆盆子葉茶伯爵茶英國早茶 Actually, I'll take head 還是給我口吧 I knew your little dirty ass wanted some head 我就知道你個淫魔想要來一發