- R-Jey MIRRORZ(PROD.BY Az哈爾) 歌詞
- K.I.M R-Jey
- 編曲: Az哈爾
封面:K.I.M 錄音:K.I.M 和聲:Sayida_Keyum 後期混音:K.I.M/Shapkat Rehem/R-Jey 母帶處理:K.I.M 監聽:K.I.M 出版SLASH團隊 HOOK: 帶著滿腔怒火 got da wrath and its dreadful 武裝出擊 prey within crust 我還是在粉碎著那些虛的套路 im still crackin dis trapdoors 消滅著這些海市蜃樓般的幻想 wreckin mirages 經歷了沉澱與練習 after practicin wrestle 用歌詞對抗這些罪惡 rhymes hittin crimes 相關的一個個拿下 gotta kixx them with addresss 一個個拿下 kixx them with addresss 帶著滿腔怒火 got da wrath and its dreadful 武裝出擊 prey within crust 我還是在粉碎著那些虛的套路 Im still crackin dis trapdoors 消滅著這些海市蜃樓般的幻想 wreckin mirages 經歷了沉澱與練習 after practicin wrestle 用歌詞對抗這些罪惡 rhymes hittin crimes 相關的一個個拿下 gotta kixx them with addresss 一個個拿下 kixx them with addresss VERSE1(K.I.M): 我挑剔的寫著歌詞 I wrote bars through pickin 從我脈搏中流過的內在都在顯現 what slipped through pulse is leakin 創造著單詞的有機組合來傳達我的感受 create organic permutations to one to commit my feelings 我知道當我的話語呼喚的時候不需要我的武力出面 Ive known my muscles should be rested as my lips are applealin 但是當我一直以來都想團結髮展時這些吝嗇的說唱歌手們只想著把一切佔為己有 united was my goal da stingy rappers wanted to take em all in 我在做著搏鬥,不,是用筆,但是我還是在考慮著給他們一席之地,因為曾有過一起輝煌的機會 wrestling nah with da pen but I want em in da game couldve been a way to peddle with da fam 但是又一次的當我開始找到我的狀態時他們還是只想讓我消失 I said not it again,when I wanted to be feelin good then everybody wantin me to cane 我始終與鏡子中的另一面作伴因為我可以看得更深 I still looked in mirror cuz mirror connectin me with da within 不是自命不凡,只不過我寫都是真實的,自己有並且見識的 aint no pretentious,no cap with da pen and im writing da fact 囊括對弱智的同情並把槍口對準惡人 showin compassion then aimin at bads 有人讓我吃盡苦頭但是我不在乎 some people stuffed my mouse with da sour I dont care 以前總是有過嘲笑我的人但是我也沒害怕 sounds of teasin me for hours per day but im not scared 我有KAIS在我身邊(SLASH團隊的說唱歌手) I got KAIS 我們跟Rice-4跟Professer Shapkat Rehem一起共進退(都是SLASH團隊的說唱歌手) vibin with Professor and da Rice 我們已經在這不需骰子的賭博中已經展現了跟他們的區別 weve distinguished ourselves among the gambles aint no dice 在萬般壓力下,失敗不可避免,但是我學到了什麼可以避免 under da pressure ,failure is inevitable I know what devitable is 我在這爭吵中見識了很多人,但是他們其中有多少人是在專心鑽研事業? and ive seen many people in da fuXking discussion but how many working to blaze? 背腹受敵時親友往往不會幫助自己,只能自己改變現狀 what was the phrase? intimates dont wanna been in this and youre gonna decide your phase 沒人會想跟一個無名小卒一起闖除非他超過了同行的所有人 no one is willing to fxxk with a nobody untill da nobody exceed da race BRIDGE(Sayida_Keyum) VERSE2(K.I.M): 我說過我們已經迷失了方向 I said weve lost direction 一切都開始崩塌 im sayin all began to fall 以前熟知的那一切 no matter what youve been seein 現在已經很難看到它們在身邊 no longer see them roam 我在紙上寫下了我的禱告,一些被我發佈出來,一些被限制 im writin pages of prayers some established some withhold 我對抗著那些病毒般的事與人 I was cursin some of da virus 但是吸引來了更多跟我作對 but summoned a crowd of more 人們在燈紅酒綠中死去卻還有人在拋棄自己的尊嚴 people be dyin' at da clubs but people abandonin all their pride 人們忘記了自己是誰,卻在為害過自己的人脫下自己的衣服 people be raisin their skirts up to foes who made us cry 當自己的父輩祖先付出了代價為自己爭取到一切,人們卻還在溝底蠕動 people be divin on da low when their ancestors paid da prise 有人的良知已經在父輩帶上手銬時已經死在心底 with da handcuff on on their fathers their conscious died inside 反思自己的錯誤的人越來越少,消極的行為卻在導致惡性未來 repentants regressed depression be draftin da consequence '我被鬼迷了心竅'我只知道這是一個藉口 'its strategies of da devil' I call it common pretences 悲劇跟傷痛充斥 with tragedies and da sadness 正確的答案與選擇卻被帶上了引號 hashtags on concrete answers 我們都想表現我們不一樣,但是我們其實都是演員 we tried to pretend were different but now were actors and actresses 諷刺至極,我希望你從沒見過這些 ironic,I hope youd never seen it 我在開闢一條路,雖然很慢但是我的下一代不會重蹈我的覆轍 im pavin a path slow but my kids wont repeat it 信仰不是用來賺錢與實用的但是我們需要它 no one dependin on faith in a practical money way still we need it 我抓緊它,保持我的真心,我不會也讓他們奪走它 im dragin it keepin it 100%,I wont let em strip it 我始終相信 I still believe it 不負責任的副作用開始見效 ramifications be botherin 當你寧願沉浸在追求錯誤帶來的甜頭時它就起作用 when you be rather in pleasant of honorin some of da beast not a prince 我逐漸失去了忍耐,我看著這些不知道說些什麼 im outta tolerance im bein stutterin nah 我沒有加入花里胡哨的加工與飾品 i wasnt ridin with color 我只是揭露血淋淋的真相也難怪戳痛了很多人對我保持仇恨 its blood on da cover no wonder my carpet is red 用歌詞對抗他們 rhymes against them 這些罪惡終會被終結 thy end ,da crimes VERSE3(R-Jey): 哎K.I.M 把伴奏發過來你真磨嘰 拿boombap表態這嘴巴倒快乾聲也好怪 要“模仿”老派是輿論來源的要害 係好腰帶 咱們的意思顯而易見顯得併不和平我可能只是 撿起筆擦擦上面的灰 可能是直話沒有說服力而對笑臉比較熟悉又揣測彼此做的哪方面是對 我承認我是問題少年當然你也是 這問題恰在好處我們都沒法解釋 可能只有肯於放下猜疑對於那變幻莫測的外皮關係有多劣質勸你待人要切實 用心去結實這為好人心都美好 誰會往嘴巴送肉嘛我看就非要對搞 或者又希望被人拉到中間被誰圍繞嘛這問題也不大呀但我看這也不會好 總有幾個的行為出格的離譜 散發著惡臭給人瞎灌能量沒有力度 急著做判斷的倒要看能做到哪個地步 咱就慢慢來,等等看行千萬里路 HOOK: 帶著滿腔怒火 got da wrath and its dreadful 武裝出擊 prey within crust 我還是在粉碎著那些虛的套路 im still crackin dis trapdoors 消滅著這些海市蜃樓般的幻想 wreckin mirages 經歷了沉澱與練習 after practicin wrestle 用歌詞對抗這些罪惡 rhymes hittin crimes 相關的一個個拿下 gotta kixx them with addresss 一個個拿下 kixx them with addresss 帶著滿腔怒火 got da wrath and its dreadful 武裝出擊 prey within crust 我還是在粉碎著那些虛的套路 im still crackin dis trapdoors 消滅著這些海市蜃樓般的幻想 wreckin mirages 經歷了沉澱與練習 after practicin wrestle 用歌詞對抗這些罪惡 rhymes hittin crimes 相關的一個個拿下 gotta kixx them with addresss 一個個拿下 kixx them with addresss 親愛的家人 DEAR FAMILY 不要忘了自己是誰 REMEMBER WHO U ARE 心存信仰 HAVE FAITH