- 琳Jadeite 歌詞 Remond (AKA modern.tempo) ZConDaBeats Aether趙悅凌
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- Aether趙悅凌 琳Jadeite 歌詞
- Remond (AKA modern.tempo) ZConDaBeats Aether趙悅凌
- 編曲: Aether趙悅凌/ZConDaBeats
他們可以千方百計向我靠攏但我遙不可及 They try to figure out the way that we made it 心有所願也要付諸努力使之成真 Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it 我身上散發的光芒來自積年累月的琢磨 '翡翠' 即使驚天動地我也仍保持謙遜 說十句keep it real有九個都是吹嘞 如切如磋如琢如磨 我才懶得聽他們幾爺子嘞鬼扯 胸襟高遠從容自若炫彩奪目 [00:23.951 ] 即使無人為你撐腰也要行正確的事 Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye 因為大多數人庸碌無為而傳奇只由少數創造 which type,king -size,maybach ye 我清朗澄澈坦誠待人 風華絕代沒白學 如果你成功將我扼殺我的靈魂也只會昇華 衣寬解帶千迴百轉 人們問我:“你為何寧可內心沉鬱也願運籌帷幄? [00:36.701] “為何不袖手旁觀令一切自行發展? ” We born to be the jade the 讓我告訴你答案 翡翠 眾所周知善惡界限永遠無法明辨 shine like 但你若不行一善終將釀成平庸之惡 彗核 我已把油箱加滿我將領跑這場比賽 引著身後彗尾 沒有任何支援照顧我的只會是我自己 燃盡所學雖九死其猶未悔 畫圖歲久或湮滅,重器千秋難毀 [00:50.702] 篤定無慮珍貴得像是塊璞玉 釣名沽譽孤身我細嗅這馥郁 寶玉未雕歸'趙'才被召覲 落筆揮毫誰了解'未了情' 當是壯年的信平廉頗未老矣 敢來犯我今日必奉陪到底
仍是沒留給自己有退路 反复在尋覓著來時的歸宿 向穹頂無休止翻新的倍數 揭示開拋光前表層的帷幕
便像是姜太公在江邊隨緣而垂釣 功成與名就事交付給誰料 我只管鞠躬盡瘁不求回報 玉碎般灰飛煙滅才為最傲美
Look how made it 翻訂了規則 天賦嘞堆疊 掃平了威脅 點亮了輝夜 南轅我北轍 百折千迴我亦歸踏雪尋梅
They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it '翡翠' 說十句keep it real有九個都是吹嘞 我才懶得聽他們幾爺子嘞鬼扯
Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye which type,king-size, maybach ye 風華絕代沒白學 衣寬解帶千迴百轉
They can kiss my A-hole, call it Jade-A-Kiss Working hard to make it happen 'cause I made a wish Got that bright glow from years and years of polish Despite the light show I'm still being modest I'm jade-like,jade-like, jade-like, yeah Ain't shy, aim high, I shine, yeah Do the right thing, even though nobody's behind you 'Cause most of them are average, legends are made by few I'm clear as crystal, ain't playing no fiddles If you blow me with a pistol, then this soul shall rest in heaven They say, “why you have to be a sad man with rad plans?” “Why can't just stand by and let it naturally happen, even though it's a bad end?” And let me tell you why Good and evil, they can never clearly be divided You'll be doing wrong if you ain't doing nothing right Wheels are gassed up, I'll outrun y'all Ain't got backup, gotta look after myself
Aether: They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it '翡翠' 可這世間太多東西不是非黑即白 我只甘心做朵凌風中嘞玫瑰
I'm like jadite 冠絕當世風華絕代 I'm like jadite 終不悔我衣寬漸帶 I 'm like jadite head - to - toe i'm holy jade white Jadeite
They try to figure out the way that we made it Dripping and flexing like jadeite call it '翡翠' 說十句keep it real有九個都是吹嘞 我才懶得聽他們幾爺子嘞鬼扯
Jadeite,jadelife,i'm jade like ye which type,king-size,maybach ye 風華絕代沒白學 衣寬解帶千迴百轉