- 葦葦 〖中英version〗被馴服的象 歌詞
- 葦葦
- 被馴服的象
原唱:蔡健雅 原詞:小S 翻詞/翻唱:葦葦 後期:gong駿 somebody tells me how to fit fit in the world that full of fake everyone seems to wear an undifferentiated mask on face what am I doing with my hands what am I thinking with my mind what is going on with my heart hiden under the sleeve rush rush all the way in the frost finding myself doing march on spot whoever blinds my soul please let it go don't leave me fool hush hush where's the light in the gloom tear the curtain may feel a little more warm can someone pull me out of the swamp then guide me to right track 裝不出融入的態度空氣裡充斥著虛無 說什麼都掩飾不了我這局外人的局促 想不通自己怎麼了想不通世界怎麼了 想不通心靈深處到底變成什麼了 迷霧迷霧在迷霧我驚覺自己在原地踏步 到底是誰把我心蒙住不想再糊塗 迷路迷路迷了路我就徹底被這團迷霧困住 誰能夠指引我一條路帶我走上正途 掌聲若需要掌聲只要你願當被馴服的象 這舞台你就可以上 honor is better than laughter so get ride of your pride keep creeping and wag your tail 迷霧迷霧在迷霧我驚覺自己在原地踏步 到底是誰把我心蒙住不想再糊塗 hush hush where's the light in the gloom tear the curtain may feel a little more warm can someone pull me out of the swamp then guide me to right track 迷路迷路迷了路我就徹底被這團迷霧困住 誰能夠指引我一條路帶我走上正途