- Hopsin False Advertisement 歌詞
- Hopsin
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誰能告訴我這些女人特麼到底有什麼毛病 Please tell me what the fuck is wrong with these bitches 實話告訴你在我眼裡你連個屁都不是 I'ma tell you right now you ain't worth shit 你每天所做的無非就是在家裡360度自拍修圖 All you do is sit at home takin' selfies 然後曬到朋友圈假裝這是你的日常 And post them like it was your work shift 你的基因充滿這些邪惡的因子 Your 'gram is full of all these evil memes 像藉此欺騙到別人不好意思這根本不可能 To niggas lie you don't deserve it 人們根本就懶得鳥你 That's why niggas ain't fuckin' with you 因為所有人都看得出來你是一個沒有目標的內心空虛之人 Cause we see that you don't have a purpose 很明顯你一直呆在家裡 It's clear that you don't leave the house 我們約你你從來不會出現 We date you and don't be aroused 只有你閉嘴時我的世界才有片刻的安靜 Only pleasure that we ever do get from you 你一開口我的頭就要爆炸 Is when you shut up and open your mouth 難道你不覺得自己很蠢嗎我對你每天做什麼根本就不關心 Don't you get it stupid bitch it don't matter 如果你愛那個男人我真希望你可以好好把握他 If you love a man and you holdin' him down 因為一旦他發現現實生活中的你只是一團糟時 Cause once he find out you got nothing better to 不要懷疑他會立刻離你而去 Do except him he won't be around 你說“我想得到女王一般的對待” Y'all like 'I want to be treated like I'm a queen' 碧池你最好先表現得像一個真正的女王 Bitch better act like one 我有很多想要告訴你的 Girl I got so much to give you 如果你不想听我只能說我早就受夠你了 If you ain' t givin' back it's a wrap, I'm done 在現實生活中你想要一個帥氣的男朋友寵著你還想要一個大佬花錢供著你 You want a real man, a real boss 這樣你就可以過上和閃光燈下的名模一樣光鮮亮麗的生活 So you can live life in a Kodak frame 每一個真正的男子漢都肩負重任 A real man carry a lot of shit on his shoulder 他們想要的是一個可以和他們分擔的女人 We need a real woman who can hold that weight 我猜怎麼著你想說你就是這種女人是吧 Let me guess you a real woman, right? 閉嘴吧我不想再聽你說任何一個字 Nope don't want to hear that 滾到一旁哭去吧 So go cry some tears in your tear bag 你根本就不像朋友圈裡曬的那樣有豪車和體面的工作 Bitch you don't have a car, a job 你甚至沒有自己的職業規劃 A life or a fuckin' career path 沒有任何成就 There's no accomplishments 我說真的停止炫耀這些虛假的東西吧 I'm serious bitch stop this shit 不要指望你那些把自己修得美若天仙的圖片可以騙到什麼人 You can fool niggas with pics lookin' like you a queen 誰都知道現實中的你是根本不長這樣 But in real life I know you the opposite 碧池我知道你想要什麼 Bitch I can see what you tryna do 你希望男人們在你家門口排著隊要和你約會 You got niggas outside in a line for you 為了和你共度一夜一擲千金 For that pussy they'll spend it all for you 對你百依百順 They got so much they can offer you 你就愛這種虛榮的感覺為此想方設法 And you lovin' it, you strategizing 虛假廣告該死你就愛這種虛榮的感覺 False advertisement, god damn you lovin' it 我可不是什麼有錢的大佬 But I ain't cho mans 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Hoe, shut the fuck up! 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit it (quit it, quit it) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit it (quit it, quit it ) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit (quit, quit) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit (quit, quit) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 你為什麼要謊話連篇 Girl why you lyin' to niggas? 假裝過著揮金如土的生活 Actin' as if your life isn't boring 女人們是不錯 Yes the pussy was good but that is the 但是你永遠想不到她們的故事裡還有多少亮點 Only highlight of your story 你每天和社會名流私信來往 You got these celebrities in your DMs 獲得各種晚會的邀請函 And you get invited to parties (nice) 如果是真的的話那我希望你好好享受此刻 Better enjoy it you bitch cause all of your 因為這一切在你四十歲時來看都會變得一文不值 Looks gonna die when you forty 你把一切搞得一團糟還要周圍的人來替你收爛攤子 Look at your shit all the guys are absorbing 碧池我在和你說話不要試著忽視我 Hoe I'm talkin' don't try and ignore me 哇這是你的新寶馬坐騎吧 Oh that's your new BMW, right? 老實說這種破車我有一打老子有的是錢 I got a couple cause I can afford these 你完全脫離了普通人的平常之樂 You made a household off of guys who were horny 只想要古馳錢包去斐濟度假 Gucci purses, vacations in Fiji 假裝約你是一件容易的事情 Trynna date you is easy 隨便丟給你幾張鈔票就能和你睡一晚 They just slide you some cash you just lay on the weewee 你的主張和立場都哪去了 What the fuck do you stand for? 你表現得就像一隻該死的雞 Everyday you actin' like a damn whore 在舞池大跳艷舞 You be showin' your ass on the dance floor 男人們為你砸錢 Niggas throwin' money till their hands sore 你把這些錢拿來交房租 Now you handed it all to your landlord 擔心著房東會不會把你趕出去 You just hopin' you don't get evicted 我敢保證你本可以過上更有意義的生活 I coulda sworn you were livin' way better than this 你有這麼多華而不實的東西 You just got so many gimmicks (yikes) 我不明白這些東西難道不會影響到你的現實生活嗎 I don't get how it don't bother you 誰是你的親生父親 Who is the father who fathered you? 最好好好教訓一下這碧池 Bitch need a belt to that ass 如果我是你爸我就會這樣做 If I was yo daddy that's probably what I would do 這首歌是寫給所有想像名模一樣過上光鮮亮麗生活的女孩 This goes out to all these wanna be models 醒目的標題只是為了獲得一個贊 Who flashin' titties just to get a like 接納我這個意見吧你這個可悲可憐的傢伙去過真正的生活 Just take this advice: you pathetic, go get a life 你會知道你沒有得到我 You would know you ain't gettin' mine 碧池我知道你想要什麼 Bitch I can see what you tryna do 你希望男人們在你家門口排著隊要和你約會 You got niggas outside in a line for you 為了和你共度一夜一擲千金 For that pussy they'll spend it all for you 對你百依百順 They got so much they can offer you 你就愛這種虛榮的感覺為此想方設法 And you lovin' it, you strategizing 虛假廣告該死你就愛這種虛榮的感覺 False advertisement, god damn you lovin' it 我可不是什麼有錢的大佬 But I ain't cho mans 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Hoe, shut the fuck up! 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit it (quit it, quit it) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit it (quit it, quit it) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit it 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit (quit, quit) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shutthe fuck up 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 立刻停止(停止,停止) Nigga these hoes better quit (quit, quit) 這些女人最好停止她們的所作所為 Nigga these hoes better quit 碧池快閉上你的嘴 Damn hoe shut the fuck up 小題大做 Trippin' Trip Trippin' 這些女人就喜歡小題大做 These hoes trippin' trippin' 這女人想要應用她的花招 This bitch trynna apply to a nigga uh uh 對我一點用也沒有 Won't catch me slippin' (won't catch me slippin') 小題大做 Trippin' Trip Trippin' 這些女人就喜歡小題大做 These hoes trippin' trippin' 這女人想要應用她的花招 This bitch trynna apply to a nigga uh uh 對我一點用也沒有 Won't catch me slippin' (won't catch me slippin')