- Dagames Build Our Machine 歌詞
- Dagames
他們寄給你一封信 They have sent you a letter 讓你回歸 To come back home to play 可令人沮喪的是 But to your dismay 今天可不是你的幸運日 This isn't your day 因為歡樂時光 For the happy fun time 已開始消逝! Has begun to fade 親眼看著我們 Watch as we reanimate 你遺棄了我們的屍體 Our corpses you abandoned 我們被拆解 We're dismantled 我們被當作垃圾處理 We're mishandled 但我們不會逃避和動搖! But we won't be skipped and swayed 受困於牆 Trapped within these walls 你留下我們消逝的靈魂 You left our souls to drip away 墨水在流失 The ink decays 牆壁充滿危險 The walls at bay 但今天就會有人來找你算賬 But the reckoning has come today 你說 You say 鮑里斯沒有膽量因為 Boris has no guts 'cause you 你用工具替換了他的內臟 Replaced it with mechanical strain 我們飽受折磨 We 've been tortured 但這不會阻擋我們前行 But we move forward 這混沌將摧毀你的一天! This disorder kills your day 惡魔涅槃 I am alive 永生不朽 Immortalized 你是造物主 You're the creator 亦是叛徒 You traitor 嘿! Hey 這裡可沒有良藥 There's no vaccine 能治愈我們骯髒的需求 To cure our dirty needs 現在你必須 For now you must 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚 You die tonight 所以你找到了所有碎片 So you found all the pieces 來實施計劃 To initiate the pain 我們被毒液侵蝕 Our venom stains 夜晚仍舊存在 The night remains 但這結局依舊是一樣的! But the ending is always just the same 無果 No gain 伴隨死亡降臨 Nod your head to the beat of death 呼吸著最後一口空氣 As you draw your last eternal breath 被侵蝕 Sensations 的感覺 Of an invasion 開始迅速流入我們的血液 Start to course right through our veins 你說我們只是無思想的傀儡 You say we have no brains 是你腦海中的卡通人物 We're just cartoons for your portrayal 只是為了描繪故事 To tell some tale about a boat and sail 是徹頭徹尾的失敗者 But sure this inevitably unveils the fail 濺起永恆的仇恨 Splashes of eternal hate 淹沒地面掃除你的過去 Will flood the floor and clean your slate 現在我們即為刀俎 Now we're the tools 你為魚肉 And you're the fool 被我們的夢魘支配! Our nightmare dominates 惡魔涅槃 I am alive 永生不朽 Immortalized 你是造物主 You're the creator 亦是叛徒 You traitor 嘿! Hey 這裡可沒有良藥 There's no vaccine 能治愈我們骯髒的需求 To cure our dirty needs 現在你必須 For now you must 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 惡魔涅槃 I am alive 永生不朽 Immortalized 你是造物主 You're the creator 亦是叛徒 You traitor 嘿! Hey 這裡可沒有良藥 There's no vaccine 能治愈我們骯髒的需求 To cure our dirty needs 現在你必須 For now you must 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 我察覺 I am aware 你的靈魂還未被污染 That your soul is now divine 我們不會疲勞 We care to not toil 為你套上枷鎖 With unbroken chains 所以不要玩弄我們 So don't toil with ours 看看他對我們的巨星做了些什麼 Like he did to our shining stars 所以準備好冒險吧 So prepare for adventure 我們是來自黑暗的 We're a whole new creature 新的存在 From the darkestside 你感受不到我們的苦痛 You can't take away the pain we feel 把我們變成怪物 Created as monsters 從現實中醒來 That come to life 重歸現實 Come back to life 看起來你已經無路可走了 So you've come to the end now 活著可靈魂已經枯萎 Alive but dead inside 心跳聲逐漸變大 The heart beats loud 你已成為我們的一員了 You've joined our crowd 我們如蛇一般扭曲 We are but punished serpentines 你和他在一起很開心 Your life with him was fun 但真正的恐懼才剛剛開始 But now the terror's only just begun 現在與我同行 Now come with me 你就會知曉 And you will see 我們即是新的災禍! We're a new born cyanide 惡魔涅槃 I am alive 永生不朽 Immortalized 你是造物主 You're the creator 亦是叛徒 You traitor 嘿! Hey 這裡可沒有良藥 There's no vaccine 能治愈我們骯髒的需求 To cure our dirty needs 現在你必須 For now you must 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 惡魔涅槃 I am alive 永生不朽 Immortalized 你是造物主 You're the creator 亦是叛徒 You traitor 嘿! Hey 這裡可沒有良藥 There's no vaccine 能治愈我們骯髒的需求 To cure our dirty needs 現在你必須 For now you must 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight 今晚! Tonight 建造我們的機器 Build up our machine 否則你將死於今晚! You die tonight