- BACK TO BACK(REMIX) 歌詞 傑佛瑞Jeffrey WazY
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- 傑佛瑞Jeffrey WazY
- Jeffrey:
再說一遍? 安?啥子喃? 哈,我不想再贏了 WazY: 對的,反擊,來自成都的力量 Say again? 新的力量將會登上頂峰 Jeffrey: 你無法阻止我回到一切開始的時候 安?啥子喃? 因為你們讓我們不得不反擊 WazY: 是時候讓他們閉嘴了 Ha,Not again. 我早就準備好搶走你的麥克風了 Jeffrey: 我知道他們只因為我們的身份而害怕我們 你給老子評論啥子*子你*媽一無所知 別假裝你喜歡嘻哈,其實你根本不懂 但攻擊的抨擊的言論不斷爆發都拜你所賜 嘻哈音樂被那些自作聰明的人定義 我追尋真實的道路創造自己的布朗克斯 用來粉飾他們所謂的正義 前方是道德的捆綁讓他們全都負傷截肢 你還有什麼想說的?算了,我懶得管 我從來都不懼謾罵 我從我現在的位置得到了很多 經歷了太多的變化 而你只是聽眾,別想著去指導我該怎麼做 你扮起手指母算哈現在情況騎虎難下 你忘了,你根本沒能力去觸碰我的底線 都想來封殺封殺無病呻吟的慘叫啥子中國不缺阿姆tupac bigge缺的是閃耀大師 還有你們這些恐嘻哈症的病人們,麻煩你們別加戲了 從街頭派對再到黃金年代 我可不是來談什麼條件的,我正在失去我的耐心 反正嘻哈盛世不是現在 說真的,我們只是在努力改變現狀 臃腫的商人都在現學現賣 懦夫才談中庸和適度,而你們成功的給我們點上了火 下一秒天才都會淪為變態 現在,我真的佷生氣,放馬過來啊 一個人毀了中文說唱that's ****** **,u hear me? 你發牢騷夠了沒?我已經準備好把你擊倒了 假的媒體不會給你送上gold chain,u hear me? 哪怕我的筆快沒水了,我也要為其他人畫好出口 關係耍得刺激為了自己的前途似錦但巨人的視角看你不過只是前進了四米 我不想看到又有新的受害者被你們扼殺 ya back to back 天生的叛逆感 當然,鍵盤俠們永遠在路上,希望你們可以把臉上的紅印擦掉 控制思想電流就像晶體三極管 我繼續寫我的歌,做我的詞,保持初心,就像我擁有魔法一樣 ya back to back cdc gang to gang 哈 young soldier young blood making hundred band 小子,現在回家為你的無知哭泣吧 浮誇的綜藝還有跟風可以捧紅rapper 為你惹到不該惹的人後悔 假的粉絲在和噴子討論真的faker 為下一次能聰明點祈禱吧 廣告歌氾濫紅色口號露出狐狸尾巴兒 我保證,這是我最後一次來收拾你的爛攤子了 砸爛你的鍵盤talking ****的********* *** 你無法阻止我們回到一切開始的時候 Hook 因為你們讓我們不得不反擊 Y'all can't stop us going back to back. 是時候讓他們閉嘴了 Y'all just made us going to back to back. 我早就準備好搶走你的麥克風了 It's time to shut'em up,yeah.back to back. Grab your mic,look,we're going Back to Back. WazY: They're afraid of us rappers,of course,we always know it. Don't pretend tha y'all do love it,y'all never understand it. The power of the hip-hop music is underestimated. By some smart-asses.They varnish their fake justice. What are you gonna say,man.I don't give a damn. From where I stand,I gotta lot of grand. You just a goddamn fan,ain't my goddamn jam. Forget tha you are able to play with fire in your hand. Could You hip-hop phobia patients do me a favor.You know nothing. It's not a negotiation,warning,I'm losing my precious patience. No bull****ing,we hustle hard, changing the situation. Moderation is for cowards,y'all provide us a good motivation. It really pissed off me.Come and taste my rage.freak. Y'all trash talk enough,my chainsaw and blade is ready on the stage. Wait,Ink bottle is'bout to be empty.Drawing an outlet on this page. ' Fore y'all still gotta strength to lock other victims in this cage. You've said you gotta make it,but you even didn't do it.Just wish you could wash off the shame,pathetic. Forcus on my lyrics,rhyming automatic,I'm realistic,never show restraint.That's called magic. Ah. Go Back home cry for you innocent,boy. Regret tha you offend us,boy. Hope next time be smarter than this time,boy. It's the last time,I swear,give a ****'bout the mess, boy. Hook Y'all can' t stop us going back to back. Y'all just made us going to back to back. It's time to shut'em up,yeah.back to back. Grab your mic,look,we 're going Back to Back.Ha.