- WazY We Made It 歌詞
- WazY
- 編曲: Glock么七
我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 哈 Ha 哈 Ha 我們做到了 We made it 他們不爽就哪兒涼快哪兒呆著 **** that if they're tripping 我們做到了 We made it 這種感覺挺不錯的 Not bad, this kinda feeling 我們做到了 We made it 並滿懷歉意的告知你們 Announce that with all the pities 我們做到了 We made it 最好把這當成我們的致意吧 Better take that as our greetings 我們做到了 We made it 我們成功了 We did it 對那些嘴碎的小人真不是個好消息 Bad news for those snitches 他們那些花言巧語 These greasiness 我懂的 I get it 但我懶得在在那些餵不飽的人身上浪費時間 But I don't give a shit for the greedy 最好看看誰有這樣的權利高談闊論 Better check whoes right could talk like that 現在我要準備用他們的大話噎死他們自己 Now WazY on the mic'bout to choke'em by their brag 但現在是派對時間 But it's party time 還是先讓你們嗨起來 Just let you bounce mad 因為我就是這樣 Cuz if I still breath 讓自己每時每刻都竭盡全力 I will always try my best 小酌但不貪杯 Sipping not for drinking 因為目標就在前方 Only heading for my aiming 加速向前從不為誰等待 Always speeding never waiting 享受每一場宴席 I'm enjoying all the feasting 誰管旁人怎麼想啊 I can bear all their feelings 耐心是一種美德 And never out of patience 拙劣的騙術挺無聊的 Cheap tricks means nothing 就請 Just 打 Nah 道 Nah 回 Nah 府 Nah 他們不相信我能成功以為這是個玩笑 They don't believe it so take it kidding 我不生氣,因為我早已知曉結局 I won't be pissing cuz I know the ending 但他們到達結局時臉色一定不好看 They'll be pissing as make it to ending 做好準備吧,我在那裡上好膛等著呢 Y'all better be ready cuz I be there clacking 我們做到了 We made it 他們不爽就哪兒涼快哪兒呆著 **** that if they're tripping 我們做到了 We made it 這種感覺挺不錯的 Not bad, this kinda feeling 我們做到了 We made it 並滿懷歉意的告知你們 Announce that with all the pities 我們做到了 We made it 最好把這當成我們的致意吧 Better take that as our greetings 我不會被失敗絆倒 I won 't be trippin'by fails 也不會被喧囂裹挾 I won't be trippin'by chaos 抱怨命運之人 Bitchin'bout fortune now 離我遠一點 Get out 玩弄花招找捷徑的 Trickin'for easy way 離我遠一點 Get out 看看我的手腕 Look at my wrist 看看我的鍊子 Look at my chains 看看我的範兒 Look at my stance 看看我的衣服 Look at my brand 這些都不是我變出來的 I don't have magic to pull'em from blank 抓住機會就抓住了一切 Seizing my chance is seizing my grand 哼 Huh 哼 Huh 謊言多半真實 Lie so real 你不能指望會有裁判替你暫停 You can't expect when the refer ring the bell 別 Nah 別 Nah 始終堅定我的意志 Stick to my will 不要再賣弄你的口舌 Save all the shit 從哪兒來回哪兒去吧 Get your ass back in hell 他們想方設法把荷包塞滿 They just tryna fill the wallet with some bills 但我卻咬牙為了自己的成功打拼 But I just get my success with my drills 他們不願醒來 They don't wanna wake 被自己恐懼的東西扼殺 Get killed by the thrill 所以現在是我的時刻 So this is my day 是時候給自己做一頓自己的大餐了 It's my time to make a mil' 我們做到了 We made it 他們不爽就哪兒涼快哪兒呆著 **** that if they're tripping 我們做到了 We made it 這種感覺挺不錯的 Not bad, this kinda feeling 我們做到了 We made it 並滿懷歉意的告知你們 Announce that with all the pities 我們做到了 We made it 最好把這當成我們的致意吧 Better take that as our greetings 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 現在是我的收穫日 So this day is my pay day 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 我們做到了 We made it 對,我們做到了 Yeah,made it 現在是我的收穫日 So this day is my pay day 我們做到了 We made it 他們不爽就哪兒涼快哪兒呆著 **** that if they're tripping 我們做到了 We made it 這種感覺挺不錯的 Not bad, this kinda feeling 我們做到了 We made it 並滿懷歉意的告知你們 Announce that with all the pities 我們做到了 We made it 最好把這當成我們的致意吧 Better take that as our greetings 音樂監製: Sand 封面: WazY 後期/母帶:Sand