- Joshua Radin Fewer Ghosts 歌詞
- Joshua Radin
- 製作人: Jonathan Wilson
空杯自有命終要破碎 A glass has a fate, it's to shatter 抗衡的努力總歸徒勞 Though it may try to escape 我亦自有命一鳴驚人 And I have a fate, it's to matter 盛年當作為時不我待 To bloom before it's too late 縱使花開花落各有其時 But everyone's on their own time 我的盛年錦時遲遲不至 For me, it was later than most 旁人的成功好似易如反掌 For all, it seemed to come easy 也許我注定經歷更多劫難 Maybe they had fewer ghosts 兜兜轉轉終於接近謎底
在我萬念俱灰時 It took me so long to find the truth that 我唯一要確定的 When I'm down, when I'm out 就是你在我身邊 All I need to know is you 我曾逐光而行 All I need to know is you 陰雨連綿時苛責不休
縱使時來運轉 And I used to follow the sunshine 仍然不知滿足 And blame everyone when it rained 歲月百般錘煉我學會了反思 No matter the good things that happened 慢慢地我也向你靠近 I'd find a way to complain 曾經流下的淚水 But time has gotten me to thinking 滋養出溫潤心靈 And thinking has led me to you 尋尋覓覓終於接近謎底 The years that I spent crying 在我心灰意冷時 That's how this garden grew 只要知道你在身邊
我宛若擁有全世界 And it took me so long to find the truth that 我願你我的愛旗鼓相當 When I'm down, when I'm out 因為是你將我托載 All I need to know is you 我們身上住著嶄新的將來 All I need to know is you 我無心追逐所謂的正確答案
令人詫異的是我能對你毫無保留 So I hope that we meet in the middle 我不曾如此交付信任 'Cause you're where I wanna land 我想或許此刻的我已否極泰來 Each one before was a riddle 或許我終將反敗為勝 A trick and I 'd choose the wrong hand 尋尋覓覓終於接近謎底 And it's strange that with you I'm as open 哪怕全世界與我為敵 As open as I've ever been 只要你在身邊 So I'm thinking my losses are over 我便再無他求 Maybe it's my time to win
It took me so long to find the truth that When I'm down, when I'm out All I need to know is you All I need to know is you