- Death Cab for Cutie Little Bribes 歌詞
- Death Cab for Cutie
- 作曲:Gibbard
微縮版的埃菲爾塔 The Eiffel Tower built to smaller scale 還有迄今為止吸到的最新鮮的氧氣 The freshest oxygen Id ever inhale 我踢開一個易拉罐用來打發時間 I tapped a bottle against the safety rail killing time 你整個人就是像一首行走的讚歌 And you were like a walking compliment 我高大的身材和一身才學 Tall in stature and exceptionally read 全裝在虛偽的近視鏡和開襟毛衫裡 In dummy glasses and a cardigan (Oh, come on) 哦,這裡的賭徒和服務生們都是一副虛偽的面孔 And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around 你說你早已學會忽略這些東西 You said that all these things youve learned to ignore 隱形攝像頭藏在賭場各處 The hidden cameras on the casino floor 還有酒店背後的那些勾當 And what gets paid for behind hotel doors (Oh, come on) 就假裝每個老虎機都是在向你打招呼的機器人吧 Pretend every slot machine is a robot amputee waving hello 你盯著它們的機械眼睛 The people stare into their eyes 投餵小小的賄賂然後他們就開動了 And they feed them little bribes and then they go 在這永不消逝的黃昏裡 The never-ending twilight 在這陽光永不被吞沒的地下室中 In a basement where the sun has never spilt 你說你感到孤獨 You said that you were lonely 然後我們接吻了,就像那些孤獨的人們一樣 And then we kissed like lonely people do 你說這城市在劇烈的跳動 You said this city has a beating heart 所有的人都湧向林蔭大道 That pushes people down the boulevard 我們都希望美夢成真 And theyre all hoping for a wish fulfilled 在這一美元鈔票的沙漠裡 In a desert for a dollar bill 愚蠢的夢仍在吞噬著我 Those foolish dreams, you know they plague me still (Oh, come on) 哦,這兒的賭徒和服務生們都是一副虛偽的面孔 And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around 哦,人人都是一副虛偽的面孔 And oh so empty were the faces of the dealers and the waitresses around 真虛偽 The Empty