- CocoRosie Mercy 歌詞
- CocoRosie
- Who's the next batter up? Cat scratch the duck
誰是下一個擊球手?雙方實力懸殊 Feathers will fly, good luck for passer by 敗者被打的滿地找牙,路人的好運爆棚 Short ran yours, dream ends here 你運氣散盡,只能在這終結夢想了 Over game, crying in the mirror 遊戲結束,顧影自憐 A melted face winks back 眨了眨眼,耷拉下臉 Made of drippin' candle wax, candelabra 大枝形燭台上的蠟燭滴落下蠟液 You're trying not to slobber 你在克制自己的情緒 You're sobbing on the inside like a broken ballerina 默默啜泣著就好像一個受傷了的芭蕾舞演員 Voices of demons and laughing hyena 聽到了惡魔和黑鬣狗的聲音 Dog pile gang bang, devil jump you in for life 鬣狗聚集在一塊吵吵嚷嚷,惡魔不停地在折磨你 Doing time in the hole, your black soul recites 時間緊迫,你邪惡的靈魂呼之欲出 Soliloquies of bible rhymes 聆聽聖經的陳詞 Kids, cover your ears, cover your eyes 我的孩子,摀住你的雙耳,合上你的雙眸(非禮勿聽,非禮勿視) Daddy's telling lies yeah , he deceived you 爸爸在哄騙人,他欺騙了你 With all that hoodoovoodoo, he deceived you 說著那些陳詞濫調,他在欺騙你
噢你在乞求,你在乞求 Oh your begging, your begging 你在乞求,你在乞求 Your begging, your begging 你會求饒的 You'll be begging for mercy 你會求饒的,求饒... You'll be begging, begging 那些潑皮無賴巫毒流氓....
陰暗的巫師藏匿於草叢中 All that hoodoovoodoo... 研究著不明飛行物,引誘那些人(你知道那些人是誰) Shady shaman in the grass 獨角獸是存在這個世界上的 Studying UFO's, seducing the you know who 你努力想證明這一點 Unicorn, still born, under this sun 通過洗腦式的訓誡 Another world you tried to show us 煙霧迷濛,舊日恐懼重現 Through tobacco stained sermons 你,囚禁了自己的妻子,帶著防水膠帶和屠刀 Smoke and haze, horror show back in the days 孩子,閉上你的眼睛,摀住你的耳朵 You, lock up your wife, duck-tape and a butcher knife X級別恐怖片讓我感到噁心,我是真情實意這麼想的 Kids, cover your eyes, cover your ears 你真會耍花招,像典型的黑巫師 X rated horror flick make me sick, I do poetry 我們將稻穀餅裝在土豆袋中,我們的爸爸真是個怪人 You're full of tricks, classic craft witches black 惹人煩的蝴蝶內臟,這傢伙有點怪 We race potato sacks, paddy cake, our daddy's wack 被這罪犯的眼神嚇壞了,他肯定是個狂熱戀童癖 Wicked, butterfly guts, this guy is nuts 即使是惡魔都有自己的準則,可遇到三岔路口每次你都會走錯的那一條 Traumatized by criminal eyes, mad doggin' paedophiles 還吹噓著你的無能第六感 Even evil has a code, fork in the road You took the wrong turn every time Swagger like your soul's divine