- 頂樓的馬戲團 請將我個骨灰撒向人間 歌詞
- 頂樓的馬戲團
- 煩惱是越來越多more and more to worry about
感動卻越來越少less and less of being touched 是我個要求忒多am I asking for too much 還是失去個還忒少or I just lost too little 我走過多少路how many mistakes have I made 就犯過多少個錯how many miles have I walked 太陽東昇又西落the sun rises and sets 人生就搿樣虛度my life was then wasted 年紀是越來越大on one hand I'm getting old 膽子卻越來越小on the other hand I'm losing my guts 精力也嘸沒老早介好no longer as vigorous as in the past 搞了也越來越少*** became less frequent 經常問問我自家many times I have asked myself 勒一個人個夜到in those lonely nights of my own 老早最單純個我the innocent me of the old days 現在勒何裡搭睏覺where is he sleeping tonight 總有一天會回到原點one day I will back to where I have started 一道重新鑽進母體return to the utero 哪恁來個就哪恁去leave as I came along 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 人最多個海灘邊over the most crowded beach 總有一天會回到原點one day I will back to where I have started 厾進火裡化為黑煙my body will be pushed into the fire and turn into black smoke 何裡來個就何裡去leave for where I came along 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡into the most stinking toilet 請將我個骨灰撒到 please throw my ashes 污最臭個馬桶裡 into the most stinking toilet