- Hello the ******' world
噛みつくぜI'll bite u よそ見してんなよ Who the **** saying that 俺の牙がもう無ぇだと 守るべき物の為なら I can B back at ZERO 何度でもLike a wolf 這い上がってやるさ I'm stravin' still starvin' Still stravin' I'm starvin' I'm the Wolf survivin' with Love I'm the Wolf survivin' with Love I'm the Wolf survivin' with Love I'm the Wolf survivin' with Love music 見てみろよLook around u なんか気付かねーか 馬鹿正直に生きる奴が 馬鹿みてんだ 他所行きのプライドなんて NO meaning what so ever んなもんThrow that away ドブに捨てちまえばいい 聞こえるか I'm screamin' out from 東京 傷だらけでPeace and Love 唄ってるぜROCK ON 愛も欲も情もこの際 なんもかんも全部 Yeah Imma gonna Break'em all ブった斬ってやるさ This is The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love The way a Wolf survives with Love we are a Wolf survives with Love