- Bon Iver RABi 歌詞
- Bon Iver
(如果你等得夠久,一切都會結束。) (if you wait it wont be undone) 唔,這些僅僅是對死亡的恐懼。 Well its all just scared of dying 其實它只是一彎海灘而已吧? But isnt this a beach? 如果我只知道一件事, And if I know one thing at all 那麼它就是:我不能只當一個中看不中用的傢伙。 Is I cannot just be a peach! 啊,你完全清醒著到來。 Oh, you come in all woke now 那麼,請享受這場盛宴。 So, please enjoy the feast 既然我們已是無足輕重、走投無路的困獸, We are weightless like a wayless beast 那為何不把後代從此中解脫出來? So what is it we dont teach?! 當我們還是孩子的時候,我們曾堅定且莽撞—— When we were children we were hell bent 至少曾天然且無知。 Or oblivious at least 但如今,當我們一想到它, But now it comes to mind 就驚恐萬分。 We are terrified 所以我們逃啊,躲啊, So we run and hide 為了人們認知中的小小平靜。 For a verified little peace 自由的感覺如何? So what of this release? 陽光很棒,是不是? Sunlight feels good now dont it 我不打算離開, And I dont have a Leaving plan 但我必須找到什麼來放鬆自己。 But somethings gotta ease your mind 世事都無所謂,或者皆為罪惡,僅此而已。 But its all fine or its all crime any way 我們六個坐在溪邊, There were 6 of us sitting creek side 一捧捧清澈的溪水在我們的指尖,分了又合。 Sifting fistfuls through the green 其間如果只能看見一種東西, Every which way could be seen 那便是沙子和時間。 Was the sand and time 不像是兒童劇,(英文應修正為:pantomime) Not a anamime 更像是頭疼藥, More like anodyne 是我的好朋友, Was a friend of mine 你一定能懂得的吧。 Youda known youda known 我可以預言。 I could prophet 我可以掠奪。 (無義,此處明示Judaism:Rabbi,標題也取自這句話) I could rob, I however 大千世界曾被扭曲。 Everywhere isnt everywhere 它不靠遮遮掩掩, This not a veil 也不建立在神話之上。 Or a fairytale in theleast 自由的感覺如何? So what of this release? 能有某種人生很棒,是不是? Some life feels good now dont it ? 無需打算離開, Dont have to have a leaving plan 也沒有什麼能安慰你我。 Nothings gonna ease your mind 世事都無所謂,僅此而已。 Well its all fine and were all fine any way (如果你等得夠久,一切都會結束。//專輯結束) (but if you wait it wont be undone)