- Hanoi Rocks High School 歌詞
- Hanoi Rocks
- All the times
一直以來 I spent suffering in school, you know 我都痛恨去上學 Thinking I was super cool, oh baby 覺得自己應該是街頭最靚的仔 All the teachers give me so much grief 所有的老師和我苦大仇深 I wanna blow'em up just to get some relief 我真想把他們都踹飛,討得片刻清閒 Sister, sister, they call me a parasite 妹子聽著,他們叫我寄生蟲 Sister, sister, they wanna burn me alive 妹子聽著,他們還想把我火化 All day all week all term long 每天,每週,每個學期 They'd dump on me 對我橫眉冷對 Hoping I'd be gone 盼著我早點輟學 Time make me realize 歲月使人清醒 Why should I be victimized 為什麼我要任人宰割 So I took control and decided to teach 所以我決定 I wanna teach high school, high school yeah 我要當個老師,我也要誤人子弟 Listen I tell the little buggers what to wear, you know 我要教學生怎麼穿衣打扮 I showed'em how to set and dye their hair, and baby 叫她們坐好還教她們染髮 There'll be no costumes in our swimming pool 讓她們光著屁股在泳池游泳 There'll be no ugly girls in my high school 只有美女才能進我的學校 Sister, sister, they call me a parasite 妹子聽著,他們叫我寄生蟲 Sister, sister, they wanna burn me alive 妹子聽著,他們還想把我火化 All day all week all term long 每天,每週,每個學期 They'd dump on me 對我吹毛求疵 Hoping I'd be gone 盼著我早點輟學 Girls who are very bright 那些冰雪聰明的姑娘們 Must stay in class all night 都要在教室通宵補習 And practice their biology 讓我幫她們熟悉生理衛生 I love to teach high school, high school 我太愛教高中了 I need to teach high school, high school 我以後一定要去教高中 1234567! 1234567! 1234567! 12345678 ! Time make me realize 歲月使人清醒 That I could be brutalize 為什麼我要受盡壓榨 And get revenge with impunity 於是我揭竿而起 IfI could teach high school 老子也要誤人子弟 ABCDEFG How I love anatomy 我最喜歡解剖學 2 plus 2 and 3 plus 3 二加二,三加三 Students have a ball with me 姑娘們都愛戴我 ABCDEFG How I love anatomy 我最喜歡解剖學 2 plus 2 and 3 plus 3 二加二,三加三 Students have a ball with me 姑娘們都和我有一腿 ABCDEFG How I love anatomy 我最喜歡解剖學 2 plus 2 and 3 plus 3 二加二,三加三 Students have a ball with me 姑娘們和我廝混在一起 ABCDEFG How I love anatomy 我最喜歡解剖學 2 plus 2 and 3 plus 3 二加二,三加三 Students have a ball with me 姑娘們個個顧盼神飛 ABOCDEF….