- PTSD (Prod. by SAXON) 歌詞 Remond (AKA modern.tempo)
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- Remond (AKA modern.tempo) PTSD (Prod. by SAXON) 歌詞
- Remond (AKA modern.tempo)
- 編曲: SAXON
Produced by SAXON Mixed by PokeB Localization by MONICA
夜色漸深,我思緒乾涸,卻仍無法垂合眼簾 Midnight my mind dry but can't close my eyelids 指尖在屏幕上躊躇,我究竟能與誰共敘一番 Fingers slide on that mobile but no one to type with 媽媽說我就是太亢奮了 Momma said I'm on hype shit 而我告訴她事實恰恰相反 I told her it's the quite opposite 我並不想偽裝或者隱藏,但我實在無法抵抗 I ain 't tryna hide it but can't fight it 回憶不斷湧入,宛如海浪 Memories they tide in 這些安慰我並不買賬 Consolation I ain't buying 屢敗屢戰,屢戰屢敗,結果還是一樣 Over and over I've been trying 第一個月我們已經成為好友,親密無間 First month we tight friends 下個月她卻只言片語都緘口不提 Next month she went silent 她挑起了所有的爭端 Picking up all the fights and 對我的一切都要回應以冷暴力 Respond to everything from me with cold violence 感情不過是相同的劇本不斷上演 Relationship is a cycle 再一次喜歡上我所熟識的女孩 Crushing on a girl I know 夜幕降臨時無法將她忘懷 Can't keep her out my head when night's low 想把我擁有的一切都給予她 Give everything that I hold 直到她終於了解我的心意的那一天 Till one day she finally know 像被追趕的獵物一樣倉皇逃開 Run away like from 5-0 無論我走到何方,結局總是一成不變 No matter where I go it's all the same 我總是不斷地回到原點 Going back to where I came 自我毀滅,承擔怪罪 Self-destruct, take the blame 難付信任,精神崩潰 Fewer to trust, gettin' insane 時光流逝,情節輪迴 Plots remain while times change 傷疤再起,劇痛又歸 Scars reopen with nasty pain 看似是結束,實則是開始 Once it's over it's on again 一次又一次,永遠不停止 Over again, over again 我可以確定的是 One thing I do know 我哪裡也去不了 I ain't going nowhere 好比涸轍之魚,樊籠之鳥 I'm stuck here 昔日擁有的美好 Good times I used to own 現在卻猶如噩夢般縈繞 Now become my nightmare 我仍掙扎於這恐懼之牢 I'm fighting this fear 這也許可以說是創傷後應激障礙 Probably kind of PTSD 儘管精神科醫生說情況還沒那麼壞 Though psychiatrist say things haven't come to this way 但是這種感覺實在糟糕 But the feeling's nasty 治療焦慮的藥物將我的睏意清零 Medication of anxiety has got in the way To a good night's sleep 我盯著手機屏幕,多希望一個消息的提示音能拯救我於等待的煎熬 I stare at my phone and I wait for a tone 我漸漸感到神誌不清,動機不明 My mind is unclear and my motive's unknown 穹頂之下,能否容得我這個迷失的魂靈 I feel like a lost soul under this dome 我清楚地知道自己想要什麼,卻不知道該如何得到 I know what I want but I don't know how to get it 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆,但為何我的成果甚微 You reap what you sow but my plant is so petty 我明明全身心地投入了,卻沒什麼功勞 Devoting myself but there ain't no * ***ing credit 理智好比一個鐘錶,我應該時常檢查 Sanity like a clock I should frequently check it 我揮灑我的才華直到江郎才盡 Got all the sauce till the jar become empty 他們塞給我的回應猶如腹中難以消化的塑料 Response they be feeding like plastic in a belly 我不斷地修復身邊人的問題,直到我自己需要求助醫生 I fix what I fix till I finally need a medic 你永遠無法做好準備去迎接令人痛苦之事的發生 Bad shit happen you can never say you ready 於是我將創傷鑄成力量,將痛苦化為朋友 Trauma become my strength, pain become my friend 當我禪心動搖之時,一劑咖啡因也許能將我拯救 When I lose zen a dose of caffeine probably make it better 我是如此憂鬱,如藍切達干酪一般(注blue 有憂鬱的意思,也有藍色的意思。這裡blue cheddar指一種干酪。作者使用了雙關語。 ) Feel so blue like a piece of cheddar 這該死的天氣又與我何干 The last thing I could really give a damn is the ****ing weather 我知道我應該放手了,但是我的心背叛了這種想法 I know I should let it go but my heart tells me no 我一心想成為真正有水準的人,而不是一個笑話 Wanna be a pro I don't wanna be a joke 我只想遇到我命中註定的女孩,不屑於風流韻事 Wanna meet the girl I don't wanna be with hoes 我希望無論走到哪,別人對我的信任都始終如一 Want em trust me wherever I go 人們常說,別人的好感是贏來的 People say favor from others is won 我不遺餘力地把手裡的工作做得無可挑剔 I struggle and make business perfectly done 但半數的人認為我除了逗樂兒一無是處 But half of the crowd think I'm nothing but fun 剩下的人壓根不願給予我一點在意 The others ain't giving no shit about none 我確實可以和很多人成為朋友,可是其中有多少是經得起時間考驗的呢 People befriending but few can stay long 真正讓我信任的人,十指就可以數盡了 Trust list is counted with two single palms 一旦產生了越界的情愫,就又會失去一個朋友 Feelings involved and another be gone 一切還是會停留在原樣,當我發行這首歌的時候 Shit'll remain same when I drop this song 我可以確定的是 One thing I do know 我哪裡也去不了 I ain't going nowhere 好比涸轍之魚,樊籠之鳥 I'm stuck here 昔日擁有的美好 Good times I used to own 現在卻猶如噩夢般縈繞 Now become my nightmare 我仍掙扎於這恐懼之牢 I'm fighting this fear