- ¡ Mayday! Dig It Out 歌詞
- ¡ Mayday!
- Break ground on a
最初我好似破土而出 Not so solid surface 勢不可擋 Rock the common turf with 我一馬平川 Rottweillers with purpose 甚至還找了條羅威納為我保駕護航 Moving around and now he duly get down 雖享盡名利,但事皆有報,就連那條狗也再也無法保護我了 Draw blood and it's oozing now 我看著它連同我的一切死在我的面前,它靜靜躺在地上,鮮血淋漓 My heart has been losing pounds 這突如其來的一切,讓我心如刀割 By the minute you play cynic like the bleeding isn't real 你可以覺得我這樣的形容是誇大其詞 But the leaks that I conceal have an overwhelming feel 可事實就是這樣,我的內心在承受巨大的苦痛 And it's danger 危機四伏 Under the ground I see saviours 但這些經歷讓我幡然醒悟 Who's memories I buried with my very scary neighbours 我埋葬了它和過去所有的回憶,並親手讓我周遭那些令人厭惡的人們陪葬 Razors, raze the bottom line blazes 我開始披荊斬棘,摧毀前方的一切 Pick and shuffle the blame 勇於面對並擊敗所有刁難 Kicking trouble for days 積極戰勝一切苦難 And I'm feeling like this bassinet is just another coffin 看似促成新生的搖籃只怕又是下一個通向死亡的墳墓 Heavin, coughin, reachin, often 即使苟延殘喘也要奮力掙脫種種束縛 Kicking up dust on the life I lived 我定要將過去的過錯拭去 You see I'm Mad Max with an axe 你瞧,我現在就像活在Mad Max電影裡那樣瘋狂 And I'm minus wife and kids 我無所牽掛 I'm looking for the clues that I might have missed 試圖回憶,我是否錯過了一些什麼 So if you find me in the dirt and you see I' m tryin to dig remember that 所以當你看到我身陷塵世,那是我試圖在追尋我所錯過的 This is a dangerous time we live in 生活在這危機四伏的時代 Revolutions all around 革命的火焰在四處燃燒,一片混亂 I found a dream that I was given 但我似乎找到了我真正的夢想 Down deep inside the ground 可它在那苦痛的最深處 Lets, lets, lets dig it out 所以讓我們不停尋找吧 Put crown on her 為我的夢想加冕 Better better so we be on 我也離她越來越近 Get a little go see me gone 只需一點鼓勵,便可前進 I'mma let them all keep me strong 是苦難使我強壯 Pick it up and I'm gonna beat the pawns 顯大將風範將萬馬千軍阻擋 Add a little bit of butter I'mma eat the fawn 有狼子野心誰說蛇不能吞象 I'm a illin' motherfucker with a piece of wrong 我雖是風流倜儻但也有遺憾的過往 The world is on it's knees 世界因慾望而臣服 These sane names and fame games 人們盡將名利追逐 Get a license with the strange lane 而我卻不走尋常路 My aims plain but ain't changed since 1983 出生那天起就立志要大展宏圖 This ain't pain but hey man 這於我而言並不痛苦 I'm trying to maintain sane 只是我必須時刻得保持思維清晰 This caveman bring great fam 是所謂的奇葩排除萬難實現逆襲 That's just the way it be 創造意料之中的奇蹟 In a world of darkness 在這黑暗瀰漫的世界 I'm digging for catharsis 我渴望將內心的積鬱發洩 I'm sipping on the arsenic 我不得不嘬下一口毒液 Just to say I'm a part of it 只因無法擺脫這一切 The media 萬惡的媒體 The medium 龐大的中產階級 The miniscule we make 人們的薪水少得可憐 The mediocore medicare on my mininum wage 還有零零星星的醫療保險 I'm smiling but I'm not okay 面帶微笑卻滿心悲愴 I'm dialing, don't know what I'll say 撥通電話卻不知如何傾訴 I'm filing for asylum 想找個安穩舒適的歸處 But I'm whiling violins on that mountain plate 卻只能漂泊於盤山公路拉小提琴排遣淒苦 We walking up to take the stage 前行路上 Got dirt and sand all in my face 少不了滿臉灰土與沙泥 If this here is my final play 若我將命不久矣 Here's what you'll hear my tombstone say 這就是我的墓誌銘上所題 This is a dangerous time we live in 生活在這危機四伏的時代 Revolutions all around 革命的火焰在四處燃燒,一片混亂 I found a dream that I was given 但我似乎找到了我真正的夢想 Down deep inside the ground 可它在那苦痛的最深處 Lets, lets, lets dig it out 所以讓我們不停尋找吧