- Nik & Jay Ocean of You 歌詞
- Nik & Jay
- I am creative, word is spawned
創意不斷,我總能妙語連珠 Word to Sean Carter, word to Kelly 曾經寫過的人物 Word to Cobain, word to Sofie 各種各樣,不一而足 I can always try harder, it's on 每次都能挑戰極限,達到最佳狀態 I am a father, yes I am a father 我是一個父親,沒錯,一個父親 I am a foreigner, I am a warrior 一個外鄉人,卻也是名勇士 Will catch the light at the end of the corridor 我會緊抓甬道盡頭的微光 Believe me 相信我 Very beautiful lines break into my mind 精彩的靈感閃現腦海 Most wonderful words I've ever heard 領略過絕倫的辭藻 Like syllables and sentences 音節詞句 I wonder if they make sense and **** 我也曾納悶她究竟能孕育何種深意 But who gives a f*ck if she hot like Nevada 而對於她的美艷又有何人曾在意 I mean hotter than lava 那種比岩漿更令人沸騰的美 Destiny is begging me to try her 命運的定數讓我邂逅她 While history is begging me to write her 歷史的劫數讓我為她寫一首詩篇 I'm ready now, bring it on 我已經做好準備 An open door, scenario 盡情將自己投身於 Ocean of you 洋溢你點滴的汪洋 I feel your groove 我感受到你的節奏 Bodies move 和你身體的律動 I dive into 我已淪陷 An ocean of you 在這片屬於你的汪洋中 Moonshine like a disco ball 月光灑脫似舞廳鏡球 Reflections in my mind 反映出我的內心 I can see it all 一覽無遺 She's beautiful, eyes deep blue 她是那樣美艷動人,眼光深邃而蔚藍 It might be real but to it's too good to be true 她可能真的存在,但怎麼想都驚為天人 Yea I know what they say 我明白他們曾說的 Even the brightest day will have its sunset in some way 絢爛終究會歸於平淡 Please 那又怎樣 I keep walking on thin ice 我如履薄冰 You only get one chance 但在只出現一次的機會面前 So why would I think twice? 我又有什麼好猶豫的呢 The night is bright, she's hot as f*ck 她與皎潔的月光交相輝映 Me andher looking at the sky, star strucked 共處一片天下,即使漫天星光也黯然失色 Get behind this and there's no turning point 千載難逢的機會一旦退卻就再不會出現 It's now or never, flip a coin 命運轉折點面前要趕快決定 Yea that's the game, baby, the track's insane 沒錯寶貝,遊戲就是這樣,既然已經失控 Let this fire burn 就讓我們點燃內心的激情 It's like we're catching flames 捕捉閃現的火焰 I'm running out of oxygen 縱使就快窒息 Still I'm goin ' in 我還是義無反顧 I'm ready now, bring it on 我已經做好準備 An open door, scenario 盡情將自己投身於 Ocean of you 這洋溢你點滴的汪洋 I feel your groove 我感受到你的節奏 Bodies move 和你身體的律動 I dive into 我已淪陷 An ocean of you 在這片屬於你的汪洋中 Turn this music 聆聽這歌 We turn this music up high 將音量調高 You got my words 兌現我的諾言 You can have this song tonight 今晚為你奉獻這首 So hold your breath 請聚精會神 Put the rest of the world aside 暫將世事拋離 We're just gon' do it 讓我們一起 Dive into it 淪陷在 The ocean of you 這片屬於你的汪洋中 I'm ready now, bring it on 我已經做好準備 An open door, scenario 盡情將自己投身於 Ocean of you 這洋溢你點滴的汪洋 I feel your groove 我感受到你的節奏 Bodies move 和你身體的律動 I dive into 我已淪陷 An ocean of you 在這片屬於你的汪洋中 Your deep blue eyes 你蔚藍而深邃的目光 The ocean of you 這片洋溢著你點滴的海 Wide open 廣袤無邊 Your deep blue eyes 你蔚藍而深邃的目光 Wide ooo 一望無邊