- Veorra The City 歌詞
- Veorra
- Prince street, August 14th
王子街道,八月十四 A SoHo bar 一個蘇荷酒吧 A speakeasy 一個地下酒吧 It's you and me, and I' m feeling free 你和我,我感到自由 It's crazy 瘋狂又離奇 How everyone 人們如何 Lives up, like Top Gun 不恍惚度日,不平庸無奇 It's you, and it's a cloudy night to smoke one 是你,是個可以抽煙消愁的多雲的夜
當你搬進這座城市,所有一切悄然發生 Oh, things happen when you move to the city 當你與我同在時,對我是如何的感受 When you're with me, oh, how you feel me 當你稱讚我的美貌時,所有一切悄然發生 Oh, things happen when you call me pretty 當你與我同在時,對我是如何的感受 When you're with me, oh, how you feel me 當你與我同在時,對我是如何的感受 Oh,When you're with me, oh, how you feel me (你來到)這個城市
歌頌這個城市 To the city, city (你來到)這個城市 To the city, city 歌頌這個城市 To the city , city 當你搬進這座城市,所有一切悄然發生 To the city, city 當你與我同在時,對我是如何的感受 Oh, things happen when you move to the city 當你稱讚我的美貌時,所有一切悄然發生 When you're with me, oh, how you feel me 當你與我同在時,對我是如何的感受 Oh, things happen when you call me pretty (你來到)這個城市 When you're with me, oh, how you feel me 歌頌這個城市 (你來到)這個城市 To the city, city 歌頌這個城市 To the city, city 君徙此城時,諸事自起 To the city, city 與君同在時,汝心戀吾否 To the city, city 頌此城 Oh, things happen when you move to the city 時君稱吾如洛神也,諸事自起 When you're with me, oh, how you feel me 與君同在時,汝心戀吾否 To the city, city 頌此城 Oh, things happen when you call me pretty When you're with me, oh, how you feel me To the city, city