- Veorra Standby 歌詞
- Veorra
- In my...
我的 Way... 道路 In my… 擋住了我的 Something in you screams love 你的尖叫聲透露了你的愛意 You don't know why, you don't know why 你不知所以 When times call for you to let go you're... 時間會讓你釋懷 Lost in standby, in standby 你感到迷茫束手無策 Something in you dreams love 你夢寐以求的愛 You don't know why, you don't know why 知其然不知其所以然 Mind racing, your heart lays low so... 你腦海裡思緒萬千,內心低沉 Lost in standby, in standby 你感到迷茫束手無策
寂靜的夜空讓我心碎 Night skies remind me of heartbreak 當你離我很遠的時候,我開始懷念你的光芒 I miss the light when you 're far away 我自言自語,卻也沒什麼好說的 I think out loud with little to say 當你擋住我的路時,我感到迷茫 I get lost when you're in my way 寂靜的夜空讓我有心碎的感覺 Night skies remind me of heartbreak 當你在遠方時,我開始懷念你的溫暖 I miss the light when you're far away 我努力去想,卻發現沒什麼好說的 I think out loud with little to say 當你擋著我的路時我開始迷失 I get lost when you're in my way... 束手無策
不知所措 Standby 一籌莫展 Standby 寂靜夜空支離破碎 Standby 天涯海角魂牽夢縈 Night skies remind me of heartbreak 思緒萬千相對無言 I miss the light when you're far away 狹路相逢徬徨無依 I think out loud with little to say 寂靜的夜空讓我有心碎的感覺 I get lost when you're in my way 當你在遠方時,我開始懷念你的溫暖 Night skies remind me of heartbreak 我自言自語整理語言,卻什麼也說不出口 I miss the light when you're far away 當你擋著我的路時我開始迷失 I think out loud with little to say 手足無措 I get lost when you're in my way... 無能為力 Standby 束手無策 Standby Standby