- J Hus Big Conspiracy 歌詞
- J Hus
- Keep all your game
繼續你的遊戲 TSB TSB You don't have to find me if I'm lookin' for you 我找你時你不用找我 'Cause I'ma spin 'round there when there's nothing to do 因我無事可做時我就在那裡轉悠 Left everything red when I came out the blue 我不再憂鬱時任何事情都是危險的 I'ma walk right by like I ain't got a clue 我會當做什麼都不知道從你身邊走過 I'ma do me, you can do you, boo 我保持自我你也一樣 I'm sick and tired of lying to you 我厭倦了對你撒謊 And if I'm lookin' at you, it's from birds-eye-view 如果我在看你,那一定是俯視你 They wanna judge me from what they heard I do 他們想通過我的作為來評判我的個人 It's a big conspiracy 這就是一個巨大的陰謀 Nah, nah, nah, it's not true 吶吶吶,這是錯的 Had a black belt but it wasn't Kung-Fu 是黑帶不代表會功夫 All you saw was LV when man withdrew 當男人撤退時你只看到了路易威登
你從沒見我穿西裝,但我有運動夾克 You never saw me in a suit, but I had a blazer 你知道我做任何事都做主要的事情 Anything I do, you know I do it major 他住在離安娜斯塔西婭兩戶之遙的地方 He live two doors away from Anastasia 我們搞的一團糟,你知道他不能待在這了 When we peppered that shit, you know he cannot stay here 這裡每個人看起來都像特工 Everybody look like a secret agent 所以我對羅納德·裡根那樣的毒品說不 So I say no to drugs like Ronald Reagan 你說話的時候總說廢話不過大腦 Talking shit, you don't think first when you say things 我在那個場合揍他時,他已經不一樣了 He weren't the same when I bucked him on that occasion 沒有法律,我怎能遵紀守法 There's no law, how can I be law abiding? 他還在考慮騎不騎馬 He's still deciding whether he's riding 世界很小,所以找到他並不難 The world is small so it's not hard to find him 在這個杜尼婭沒有什麼是令人滿意的 Nothing in this dunya is satisfying 所有這些黑鬼都賣出去了,但沒人買 All these niggas selling out, but nobody's buying 你可以是叢林獅子,也可以是馬戲團獅子 You can be a jungle lion or a circus lion 你怎麼能說出瘋狂的煙,卻從沒碰過熨斗? How you talk mad smoke and never banged an iron? 他背叛的人不是他內心的人 The guy he betrays is not the guy inside him 如果我在找你,你不用找我
因我無事可做時我就在那裡轉悠 You don't have to find me if I'm lookin' for you 我不再憂鬱時任何事情都是危險的 'Cause I'ma spin 'round there when there's nothing to do 我會當做什麼都不知道從你身邊走過 Left everything red when I came out the blue 我保持自我你也一樣 I'ma walk right by like I ain't got a clue 我厭倦了對你撒謊 I'ma do me, you can do you, boo 如果我在看你,那一定是俯視你 I'm sick and tired of lying to you 他們想通過我的作為來評判我的個人 And if I'm lookin' at you , it's from birds-eye-view 這就是一個巨大的陰謀 They wanna judge me from what they heard I do 吶吶吶,這是錯的 It's a big conspiracy 是黑帶不代表會功夫 Nah, nah, nah, it's not true 當男人撤退時你只看到了路易威登 Had a black belt but it wasn't Kung-Fu 如果他是個真正的黑鬼,那我們就結盟 All you saw was LV when man withdrew 我一句話也沒說,保持沉默
你管不住我,我要反抗 If he's a real nigga, then we make an alliance 如果你在尋找指引,請審視你的靈魂深處 I didn't say a word, I talk with silence 他們把我的黑鬼送回了航空母艦 You can't govern me, I show my defiance 你在幹什麼?我,我只是活著 Look deep in your soul if you're lookin' for guidance 以前在鄉下,現在我來了 They sent my nigga back to the Carribb' Islands 我不喜歡唐尼,因為他太狡詐了 What you been on? Me, I'm just surviving 但我不是每天都看唐尼,我在努力 I was out in the country, now I'm just arriving 你不喜歡錢,從來沒見你難熬過 I don't like Donny 'cause he's too conniving 你知道我是個粗魯的人,就讓閃電擊中他吧 But I don't watch Donny everyday, I'm striving 這不是很有趣嗎,多麼完美的時機 You don't like money, never seen you grinding 有時候媽媽需要提醒 You know I'm so cruddy, let the lighting strike him 因果報應能像泰森那樣咬人,這不是很瘋狂嗎? Ain't it so funny how it's perfect timing? 這條路的生活是多麼的迷人 Sometimes mother ****ers need reminding 所有的弱者都在瘋狂地崛起 Ain't it crazy how karma can bite like Tyson? 如果我在找你,你不需要找到我 Crazy how this road life is so enticing 因我無事可做時我就在那裡轉悠 Crazy how all the underdogs are rising 我不再憂鬱時任何事情都是危險的 我會當做什麼都不知道從你身邊走過 You don't have to find me if I'm lookin' for you 我保持自我你也一樣 I'ma spin 'round there when there's nothing to do 我厭倦了對你撒謊 Left everything red when I came out the blue 如果我在看你,那一定是俯視你 And I'ma walk right by like I ain't got a clue 他們想通過我的作為來評判我的個人 I'ma do me, you can do you, boo 這就是一個巨大的陰謀 'Cause I'm sick and tired of lying to you 吶吶吶,這是錯的 If I'm lookin' at you, it's from birds-eye-view 是黑帶不代表會功夫 They wanna judge me from what they heard I do 當男人撤退時你只看到了路易威登 It's a big conspiracy TSB No, it's not true Had a black belt but it wasn't Kung-Fu All you saw was LV when man withdrew TSB