- J Hus Deeper Than Rap 歌詞
- J Hus
- I don't wanna make friends, I don't wanna break the ice
我不想交朋友,我不想打破僵局 I think about my life and I analyze 我思考我的生活,分析我的生活 The gun man was aimin' at me but he wasn't precise 那個持槍男子瞄準了我,但他不夠精確 I look down the barrel of the gun and saw paradise 我從槍管往下看,看到了天堂 They don't wanna see us win, they wanna sabotage 他們不想看到我們贏,他們想搞破壞 The next time they see me in the flesh, I be camouflage 下次他們見到我的時候,我是偽裝的 Heard the man talk greasy, he's thinkin' he's hard 聽他說油腔滑調的話,他覺得自己很硬 'Til I catch him lackin' there with your Nicki Minaj 直到我抓到他和你的妮琪·米娜在一起 I'ma keep the next thing in my cousin's garage 我要把下一件東西放在我表哥的車庫裡 Jakes won't find shit if they run in my yard 傑克斯在我的院子裡跑來跑去是找不到狗屎的 How you live you life when your life's a facade? 當你的生活只是一種假象時,你是如何生活的? How many time did I lie to my marge? 我對瑪姬撒了多少次謊? I wasn't even rollin' with the entourage 我甚至都沒有和隨行人員一起滾蛋
當我玩我的牌的時候,我在佔用我的時間 I'm takin' my time when I'm playin' my cards 你知道的,那些黑鬼總是試圖讓我措手不及 You know them niggas always gon ' try to catch me off guard 他們以為我在自言自語,其實我是在跟上帝說話 They think I'm talkin' to myself but I'm talkin' to God 我知道我的皮膚看起來很清爽,但我來自泥地 I know my skin look fresh but I come from the mud 在煙癮發作之前,我的心情一直不好 I was in a bad mood until I smoked in a bud 處理好你的事務,不要在地毯下面刷 Handle your business, don't brush it under the rug 你浪費了我的時間,我感覺自己被搶了 You wasted my time and I felt like I was robbed 我只需要一些土豆泥和一根玉米棒 All I need is some mash and a corn on a cob 我和香奈兒在一起,但我給她叫了輛出租車 I was chillin' with Chanel but I called her a cab 我工作太忙了,都睡在實驗室裡了 I'm so on my job that I sleep in the lab 你以為我會不戰而退,但我認為你瘋了 You think I 'll go without a fight but I think that you're mad 我知道他們要來了,所以我就坐著等待 I knew they was comin' so I sat and waited 他們試圖破門而入,但門被堵住了 They try to burst through the door but it was barricaded 我沒有迷失在醬汁中,但我被浸泡了 I wasn't lost in the sauce but I was marinated 我們看星星,然後我們導航 We looked at the stars and then we navigated 我們開始把自己當成一個人,然後我們就提升了 We started thinkin' as one then we elevated 我們從來沒有說過這個詞,我們只是展示它 We never said the word, we just demonstrate it 沒有黑人,沒有狗,我們被隔離了 No blacks, no dogs, we were segregated 他們拿走了我們的歷史,然後把它抹去 They took our history then they went and erased it 我只是個修路工,我幹嘛說教?
上帝讓你性感,為什麼你要漂白? I'm just a roadman so why am I preachin'? 你怎麼能把兒子送到學校卻不知道他們教了他什麼? God made you sexy, so why you bleachin'? 你是怎麼做到的,你不知道原因嗎? How you send your son to school and don't know what they teach him? 我,我愛我自己,因為我是黑人,我很漂亮 How you be finesse block and you don't know the reason? 為什麼他們要為了自然資源而殺了我們? Me I love myself 'cause I'm black and I'm gorgeous 你做的每一步都必須小心謹慎 Why they wanna kill us for natural resources? 我和超能力合作,和原力合作 Every move that you make, you have to be cautious 全能者得著一切的稱讚 I work with the powers, I work with the forces 我做salah是因為我被困在迷宮裡 And the Almighty gets all the praise 我看見了一個妹妹,便垂下了眼睛 I make my salah 'cause I'm stuck in the maze 我不得不低調幾天 I saw a sister and I lowered my gaze 我仍然和黑幫在一起,但我對我的G's很冷淡 I had to lay low for a couple of days 小心你的飲料別灑在我的J上 I'm still with the mob but I chill on my G's 我混亂地離開你的街區 Be careful your drink don't get spilled on my J's 別照我做的做,照我說的做就行了 The way I left your block in disarray 點燃你的激情吧,我很在行 Don't do as I do, just do as I say 養家糊口,付房租 Spark a Dutchie, I'm in my element 告訴你我代表什麼,代表什麼 Provide for the family, pay the rent 我聽到了你說的話,但我知道你的意思 Tell you what I stand for, what I represent 你告訴我的時候,我領會了你的言外之意
我來自公路,所以你不認為我聰明 I heard what you said but I know what you meant 我不得不用一些藥把糖果填滿 I read between the lines when you told me things 我是由碳組成的,他們稱之為黑色素 I' m from the road so you don't think I'm intelligent 我告訴你一切的方式,是真誠的 I had to fill up the candy with some medicine 你的眼睛紅紅的,所以你永遠贏不了 I'm made from carbon, they call it melanin 我不會說一個字,我只是給他胡椒粉 The way I tell you everything, I was genuine 人豈能審判我,好像他從來沒有犯過罪一樣。 You had a red eye, that's why you never win 尋找你的靈魂,它被風吹散 I won't even say a word, I just pepper him 你看了這些文件,然後就在裡面打滾 How can a man judge me, like he never sinned? 我想修復這個世界,卻不知道從哪裡開始 Lookin' for your soul it got blown in the wind 他們很久沒見我了,他們會問,'你去哪兒了?' You seen this paperwork and you rollin' within 我剛從戰爭中回來,但這是內在的 I wanna fix the world, don't know where to begin 每天我都遇到另一個障礙 They ain't see me in so long, they like, 'Where have you been?' 為什麼他們要剝奪我的男子氣概並對我脫衣搜身? I was fresh from a war but it was internal 當我想到我的生活,這是一個漫長的旅程 Every day I encounter another hurdle 這是一場暴風雪,但我堅定地站著 Why they wanna take my manhood and strip search me? 你浪費了這麼多時間,你得補償我 When I think about my life, it's been a long journey 我不得不裝傻,只是為了融入其中 It was a snow storm but I stood firmly 然後去非洲進行精神淨化 All the time you wasted, you gotta reimburse me I had to play dumb, just to blend in Then go to Africa for spiritual cleansing