- Gerard Way Rōnin 歌詞
- Ibaraki Gerard Way
- Still
仍然.. I still feel you inside these broken bones 我仍然感到你在這些碎骨之中 These scars are maps, legends foretold 傳說曾預言這些傷疤就是地圖 My blade is weathered, covered with a coat 我的刀鋒飽經風霜,已被鍍層覆蓋 The blood of many I have poured 被我傾倒的許多人的鮮血 Down to the soil, my anger quenched the pain 深入這片土地,我的憤怒沖淡了 Of ancient grounds that I have stained 這片被我玷污的古老土地的痛苦 The heads of many that will still be claimed 許多仍將被索取的頭顱 Are but warnings for the foes 不過是對那些 Who try to capture everything of ours 試圖奪走我們一切的仇敵的警告 Slaughtered people, slaves to starve 被屠殺的人民,被飢餓奴役 Skies, be my witness I will rid the earth 蒼天作證,我將從世上除掉那些 Of the scourge who took our blood 令我們流血的禍患 Standing on the plains 於平原佇立 I am taken away 我被帶離 Carried through the gates 被裹挾穿過門扉 I will avenge my name 我將為我的名譽復仇 This rage shall not be tamed 這份狂怒不應被平息 Our lands are threatened by an invisible force 我們的大地正遭受一股無形之力的威脅 The concept of hatred both spoken and verse 言語和詩篇之中都體現著仇恨的觀念 Plaguing the people, it poisons the mind 它折磨人們,毒害著思想 Teaching to hate that which is not their kind 教導他們去恨那些與他們並非“同類”的東西 Not one with the undead 那些並非不死的東西 Not fodder for the live and fiending 那些不能給生命和亡靈提供養料的東西 Im a challenger of every horde 我是每一個部落的挑戰者 That would try to live by loathsome reason 每個試圖以令人作嘔的理由活下去的族群的挑戰者 Take me back to the times when it was safe 帶我回到那個安全的時代 Back where the rivers flowed, free by the lakes 回到河流經過的地方,湖水自由流淌 Standing on the plains 於平原佇立 I am taken away 我被帶離 Carried through the gates 被裹挾穿過門扉 I will avenge my name 我將為我的名譽復仇 This rage shall not be tamed 這份狂怒不應被平息 Our lives are challenged by an invulnerable swarm 我們的生命正被堅不可摧的蟲群挑戰 They know only hatred, fear, and discourse 它們知道的只有仇恨、恐懼與高談闊論 Gathering strength so that I may defeat 將力量積聚,這樣我便能擊敗那些 These monsters whose minds are corrupt with disease 被疾病腐蝕了頭腦與思想的怪物 Not one with the undead 沒人有不死之身 Nor fodder for the live and fiending 也沒有提供給生命或亡靈的養料 Im a challenger of every horde 我是每一個部落的挑戰者 That would try to live by loathsome reason 每個試圖以令人作嘔的理由活下去的族群的挑戰者 Take me back to the times when it was safe 帶我回到那個安全的時代 Back where the rivers flowed, free by the lakes 回到河流經過的地方,湖水自由流淌 Standing on the plains 於平原佇立 I am taken away 我被帶離 Carried through the gates 被裹挾穿過門扉 I will avenge my name 我要為我的名譽復仇 This rage shall not be tamed 這份狂怒不可被平息 Still 仍舊.. I still feel you inside these broken bones 我仍舊感到你於這些碎骨之中 These scars are maps, legends foretold 傳說曾預言這些傷疤就是地圖 My blade is weathered, covered with a coat 我的刀鋒飽經風霜,已被一層外衣覆蓋 The blood of many I have poured 被我傾倒的許多人的鮮血 Down to the soil, my anger quenched the pain 深入這片土地,我的憤怒沖淡了 Of ancient grounds that I have stained 這片被我玷污的古老土地的痛苦 The heads of many that will still be claimed 許多仍將被索取的頭顱 Are but warnings for the foes 不過是對那些 Who try to capture everything of ours 試圖奪走我們一切的仇敵的警告 Slaughtered people, slaves to starve 被屠殺的人民,被飢餓奴役 Skies, be my witness I will rid the earth 蒼天作證,我將從世上除掉那些 Of the scourge who took our blood 令我們流血的禍患 Standing on the plains 於平原佇立 I am taken away 我被帶離此地 Carried through the gates 被裹挾穿過門扉 I will avenge my name 我將為我的名譽復仇 This rage shall not be tamed 這份狂怒不容被平息