- Architects the distant blue 歌詞
- Architects
- That distant blue, that's me and you
那遙遠的藍色,是曾經的你和我 It was from there that we all grew 我們都曾在那裡被它撫育 Framed in space, our first home 構築在太空中,我們最初的家 All those beating hearts that were made of stone 所有心靈卻如石頭般冷漠 We were disaster built from flesh and bone 我們不過是血肉組成的災禍吧
科學家們用軀體堆成一座山一個通向星星的階梯 Their bodies made a mountain, a ladder to the stars 當他們接近太陽時,卻會被太陽灼傷 When they reached up to the sun, it only left them with scars 聖人和罪人都收割了他們的成果 All the saints and the sinners will reap what they sow 他們能做的只有看著這不幸發生 So they stood back and watched their bitterness grow 他們給不出這疾病的解藥 They couldn't tell the cure from disease 他們不再清楚自己的慾望 They no longer knew their want from their need 他們毀了未來,忘記了過去 They ****** the future, forgot the past 沒有什麼能是一成不變的 Nothing built was built to last 我們所見到的這片土地 A common ground, now we see 曾把我們像海陸連在了一起 That connected us like the land and the sea 那遙遠的藍色,是曾經的你和我 That distant blue, that's me and you 我們都曾在那裡被它撫育 It was from there that we all grew 構築在太空中,我們最初的家 Framed in space, our first home 所有心靈卻如石頭般冷漠 All those beating hearts that were made of stone 我們不過是血肉組成的災禍吧 We were disaster built from flesh and bone 被蛛網困住,不要掙扎逃脫
這是我們應得的,所以接受現實吧 Caught in a web, don't struggle free 如果我們嘗試自救,會覺得自己如此渺小 This is all we've got, so just let it be 我們會問自己為什麼擔憂呢 If we save ourselves, we'll feel so small 被蛛網困住,不要掙扎逃脫 We'll ask ourselves why we cared at all 這是我們應得的,所以接受現實吧 Caught in a web, don't struggle free 如果我們嘗試自救,會覺得自己如此渺小 This isall we've got, so just let it be 我們會問自己為什麼擔憂呢 If we save ourselves, we'll feel so small 我們到底為什麼擔憂 We'll ask ourselves why we cared at all Why we cared at all