- Blue.D MA DAT Disney (cover) 歌詞
- Blue.D
- I'm mad at Disney, Disney
我對迪士尼感到生氣 They tricked me, tricked me 他們一次又一次地跟我開玩笑 Had me wishing on a shooting star 讓我向一顆轉瞬即逝的流星許下心願 But now I'm twenty-something 如今我已二十出頭 I still know nothing 卻還是對自我 About who I am or what I'm not 一無所知,毫無頭緒 So call me a pessimist 因此我被扣上悲觀主義者的名頭 But I don't believe in it 但我對此難以置信 Finding a true love's kiss is bullshit 尋到真愛之吻便能幸福一生的說法不過是忽悠人罷了 'Cause I felt sad love 畢竟這樣的愛令我鬱鬱寡歡 I felt bad love 讓我心力交瘁 Sometimes happy love (happy love) 雖然愛有時能讓我頓覺舒暢 Turns into giving up (giving up) 但很快我便從喜悅中被驅離 I felt hurt love 愛使我在傷痛裡徘徊 About the word love 而我有些關於“愛”的發問: What the hell is love supposed to feel like? 若我切身體會到愛,我會有何感受 What the hell is love? What the hell is love? 愛究竟是什麼,愛的原形又是怎樣的模樣 What the hell is love supposed to feel like? 若我親身體驗到愛,我會有何感受 My fairy grandma warned me 我有個仙女奶奶,她以灰姑娘的故事 Cinderella's story 對我再三告誡: Only ended in a bad divorce “這般情緣總不得善終” The prince ain't sleeping when he 若王子徹夜難眠 Takes his sleeping beauty 他便會帶上他的睡美人 To the motel on his snow-white horse 騎著他的白馬,去往汽車旅館 So call me a pessimist 於是我被扣上悲觀主義者的名頭 But I don't believe in it 即使我對此難以置信 Finding a true love's kiss is bullshit 尋到真愛之吻便能幸福一生的說法不過是忽悠人罷了 'Cause I felt sad love 畢竟愛令我鬱鬱寡歡 I felt bad love 讓我心力交瘁 Sometimes happy love (happy love) 雖然愛有時能使我頓覺舒暢 Turns into giving up (giving up) 但很快我便從喜悅中被驅離 I felt hurt love 愛使我在傷痛裡徘徊 About the word love (word love) 而我有些關於“愛”的發問: What the hell is love supposedto feel like? 若我切身體會到愛,我會有何感受 What the hell is love? What the hell is love? 愛究竟是什麼,愛的原形又是怎樣的模樣 What the hell is love supposed to feel like? 若我親身體驗到愛,我會有何感受 What the hell is love? What the hell is love? 愛究竟是什麼,愛的原形又是怎樣的模樣 What the hell is love supposed to feel like? 若我切身體會到愛,我會有何感受 I'm mad at Disney, Disney 我對迪士尼感到生氣 They tricked me, tricked me 他們一次又一次地耍了我 No more wishing on a shooting star 我再也不會把願望寄託在流星上了