- Rachie Once Upon a Me 歌詞
- Rachie
- If you have a minute, coould you sit a while with me
如果有時間的話請你來聽一聽 This song comes off as happy but it's kinda sad you see… 這首稍微有些消極的歌曲 The me in the mirror I looked at yesterday 鏡子中映出的昨天的我 Though she wanted to change, somehow she looks the same today 與今天的自己無比相似 Been feelin kind of blue, anxiety too, I've almost given up 有些些許的傷心後悔難受 Since nobody will listen to the things I have to say 可是沒有人來傾聽 It's useless anyway, so I'll bury my face in my knees 所以只能將臉埋進膝蓋里 One by one the tears they start to fall, does no one care at all? 撲簌簌落下的眼淚難道沒人在乎嗎 But just as I was gonna quit someone responded -- 可在我想要放棄的時候卻聽到了一句話 “Don't you know? No one will know what your he~art ho~lds “吶你知道嗎?心靈是只有別人才看得到的喲” So c'mon open up, I'm here to listen you know?” 站起來吧 我在這裡陪著你呢! Heading towards tomorrow was the me of today 現在我對著即將過去的今天 Waving her hands like crazy saying “see you someday!” 揮動雙手說著“有緣再見” Behind, they're yelling, telling me “keep doing your best” 身後的一句“加油啊” Although a pretty noisy chorus, I love them all to death 聲音好像在哪裡聽過 And so I take off running never looking behind 同時沿著柏油路開始奔跑 And as my tears reflect the evening glow 溫暖的淚水滲了下去 I say my bye byes, to once upon a me of now and i go... 所以再見吧很久很久以前的今天的我 If you have a minute, can you keep on sitting here with me? 如果有時間的話希望你能繼續陪著我 Now that I'm feeling better I won't cry as much you see? 現在的我是不是沒有以前那麼愛哭啦 Just watch my heart, a shining star, light up the sky 我的心靈像是一顆照亮夜空的星星 Hey, did I hear you right just now? 等等 我剛剛好像聽見了什麼 Been feelin kind of blue? Anxiety too? Did you almost give up? 曾經悲傷?曾有後悔?很難受吧 If you think that no one will listen to the things you say 如果你覺得沒有人會聽你說的話 I'm here for you okay? 那就讓我來陪著你吧 Cause we're friends, don't ever forget! 永遠不要忘記我是你的朋友呀 One by one the tears they start to fall but now they're falling down your face 撲簌簌落下的眼淚 Tell me what's been going on but know “It's gonna be okay” 現在傳達到了我的耳邊 Hey, now, whatever you do, don 't worry cause I'm here by your side “好了沒事的!因為我有好好地在看著你的心靈” There's no need to cry 不用再傷心啦 Heading towards tomorrow was the you of today 現在你向著即將到來的明天 Waving your hands like crazy saying “see you someday!” 揮動雙手說“再見” Behind, they're yelling, telling you “keep doing your best” 對著後背的一句“加油啊” Although a pretty noisy chorus, don't you love them to death? 我用似曾相識的聲音大聲喊道 And as you take off running, I could see it inside 你奔跑的同時我能看到 A heart that shines just like the evening glow 一顆像晚霞般閃耀的心 So say your bye byes, to once upon a you of now and then go! 所以再見吧很久很久以前的今天的你
Could you listen to me one last time before you leave? 如果有時間的話希望你能聽我講完最後幾句話 Back then the smallest thing could make me burst into tears 當時的我總是會因為小事而哭泣 But you, and you, were all there to 一直以來支持著我的大家 Support me so I guess it's time I do that too 這次輪到我來為你們加油 Was feelin kind of blue, anxiety too, I'd almost given up 曾經悲傷曾有後悔也很難受 But you'd pick me back up, and listen to the things I say, and come by every day 但你們都會鼓勵我聽我說著那些消極的話 Now to you, I want to do the same! 這次該輪到我來陪著你們啦 One by one the tears are falling down, and in the sea they make you splash and flail around but there's no way that I would let you drown! 為在撲簌簌落下的眼淚積攢成的大海中扑騰掙扎著的你讓我我來詠唱魔法的咒文叫做“沒關係” 的心靈小船 Casting a lifeline with rhythm and rhyme 用節奏和音律鑄造一條生命線 Telling you it's alright, I hope I made it in time… 告訴你沒事很快就會好起來的 Heading towards tomorrow with my hand here in yours 現在我和你向著即將到來的明天 Excited for tomorrow and what it has in store 牽著手一起走向那裡 And from behind, they hug me, like they do everyday 聽著來自身後的 Followed by a noisy chorus I'll keep loving the same 許許多多的聲音們 And we can't help but cry and give each other a smile 同時哭出來的你和我 That shined much brighter than the evening glow 互相看著彼此溫暖的笑臉 So I say bye bye, to once upon a me of now and I go 所以再見了很久很久以前的今天的我們