- Crooked Still ecstasy 歌詞
- Crooked Still
- Oh when shall i see jesus and reign with him above oh,
當我遇見上帝且與他並駕齊驅 and from the flowing foutain drink everlasting love 並從潺潺之水源處汲取綿延不盡的愛之時 oh had i wings i would fly away and be at rest oh, 若彼時我有雙翼,我會藉此飛向天際,去尋覓棲息之所 and id praise god in his bright abode 去上帝灼爍的居所,盛讚他無上的美德 wheneer you meet with troubles and trails on your way 無論何時你在無盡的旅途之中,遭遇阻擋前行的礁石風浪 cast all your cares on jesus and dont forget to pray 只需一心感念著上帝,謹記要暗自虔誠地祈禱 oh had wings i would fly away and be at rest oh, 若彼時我有雙翼,我會藉此飛向天際,去尋覓棲息之所 and id praise god in his bright abode 去上帝灼爍的居所,盛讚他無上的美德 grid on the gospel armor of faith and hope and love 而我也心甘情願地束縛於信仰,希望和愛的福音雕制的鎧甲之中 and when the combats ended hell carry you above 當戰鬥的硝煙不再瀰漫,上帝自會攜你而上 oh had i wings i would fly away and be at rest oh, 若彼時我有雙翼,我會藉此飛向天際,去尋覓棲息之所 and id praise god in his bright abode 去上帝灼爍的居所,盛讚他無上的美德 oh,do not be discouraged for jesus is your friend oh, 不要深感洩氣,因為上帝是你誠摯的友人 and if you lack for knowledge hell not refuse to lend 他永遠也不會拒絕去填補你匱乏的知識 oh had i wings i would fly away and be at rest oh, 若彼時我有雙翼,我會藉此飛向天際,去尋覓棲息之所 and id praise god in his bright abode 去上帝灼爍的居所,盛讚他無上的美德