- The Tiger Inside Will Eat The Child 歌詞 Kate Miller-Heidke
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- Kate Miller-Heidke The Tiger Inside Will Eat The Child 歌詞
- Kate Miller-Heidke
- Wade in the rising water
蹚過潮水 Walk in the sinking sand 行走在流沙間 Crawl through the shadow valley 穿行在陰暗之谷 To try to understand 為了盡力理解 I climbed a Jacobs ladder 我爬過天梯 I fell down holy stairs 我從聖階上重重摔下 I found Siddharthas temple 我發現了佛祖的神廟 No answer anywhere 不論去哪裡也尋不到答案 The minute you think you know you got it 瞬息之間你覺得找到了所求之物 Is the minute you know its gone for good 與此同時你也會知道它永不復來 The second you pause his claws are on it 你停歇的一刻,它已經把利爪伸出 The tiger inside will eat the child, 裡面的猛虎會吃掉孩子 Oh, oh 喔喔~
我看見用鏡子砌成的廳堂 I saw a hall of mirrors 我看見燃燒著的車輪 I saw a burning wheel 我看見如雨點般的箭矢 I saw a rain of arrows 我失掉了感受的能力 I lost the way to feel 我見過百萬張面孔 I saw a million faces 注視著墜下的天幕 Stare at a fallen sky 我看向地平線最後一眼 I saw the last horizon 在時間的盡頭 The end of time 瞬息之間你覺得找到了所求之物 The minute you think you know you got it 與此同時你也會知道它永不復來 Is the minute you know its gone for good 你停歇的一刻,它已經把利爪伸出 The second you pause his claws are on it 裡面的猛虎會吃掉孩子 The tiger inside will eat the child, 喔喔~ Oh, oh, oh, oh 輕聲細語講著話
無論何處你都能聽得到 Speaking in quiet whispers 你到來的時候它會離開 You hear it everywhere 等你依舊在的時候它才無聲降臨 It leaves as youre arriving 你飲下,杯子變空 Arrives and youre still there 你倒入,杯子變滿 You drink, the cup is empty 你永遠沒機會保持 You pour, the cup is full 它永遠牽制著你 Youll never get to hold it 它永遠牽制著你 Its always holding you 永遠... Its always holding you 瞬息之間你覺得找到了所求之物 Its always... 與此同時你也會知道它永不復來 The minute you think you know you got it 你停歇的一刻,它已經把利爪伸出 Is the minute you know its gone for good 裡面的猛虎會吃掉孩子 The second you pause his claws are on it 喔喔~ The tiger inside will eat the child, Oh, oh, oh, oh