- Marika Hackman blah布拉罕伯拉漢 歌詞
- Marika Hackman
- Ghost town, walking among the zombies
鬼城裡我穿梭在這群殭屍之間 Faceddown, their eyes are never on me 低著頭他們正臉都不瞧我一眼 Backs up to the wall 背靠牆面 Plugged into a pocket 牽線插電 Sigh, might as well just die 唉不如死了算了 I could try to emulate the brain-dead 我可以試著模仿這些腦死亡的殭屍 But I get sick and tired of the radio 但我煩透了這無線電 Buzzing like a hornet in the playpen 像被困在玩耍護欄中的馬蜂般嗡嗡作響 I'll unplug, feel my head, feel alright 我拔掉電源感覺大腦還在鬆了口氣
跪下把你自己點了 Get down, set yourself on fire 大把好事之徒趕著送你去火葬 Strong crowd to walk you to the pyre 別做你自己他們寧願看你胡鬧 Don't be who you are, they'd rather see your riot 唉真不喜歡我的大腦 Sigh, I don't like my mind 我想給這些腦死亡的殭屍用藥 I would like to medicate the brain-dead 但我在候診室就不耐煩起來 But I get sick and tired in the waiting room 讓我一直如此病態只為做你好友 Keep me so unwell that I'm your best friend 聽話安靜規規矩矩我沒問題 Nice and quiet, we'll behave, I'm alright
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Blah, blah, blah, blah Blah, blah, blah