- Rodney Atkins Farmer's Daughter 歌詞
- Rodney Atkins
- Well I heard he needed some help on the farm
我聽說他在農場需要一些幫助 Somebody with a truck and two strong arms 一個有一輛卡車和兩條強壯胳膊的人 Not scared of dirt and willin to work 不怕髒而且願意工作 Till the sun goes down 直到太陽下山 So I pulled up and said Im your man 我把車停在路邊,說我是你要找的人 I could start right now and we shook hands 現在就可以開始了,然後我們握了手 He said the fence needs fixin, 他說柵欄需要修理 The peaches need pickin 桃子需要採摘了 And the cows need bringin round 奶牛需要被圈起來
我在搬運乾草,在餵豬 I was haulin hay, I was feedin the hogs 夏日的陽光讓我像狗一樣汗流浹背 And that summer sun had me sweatin like a dog 於是我在小溪里乘涼 So I cooled off in the creek 然後又在酷熱中工作了 Then it was back to work in the daggum heat 我大聲咒罵著,想著辭職的事 I was cussin out loud, thinkin bout quitin 現在回想起來,我很高興我沒有 Lookin back now Im sure glad I didnt 因為就在我以為不能再熱的時候 Cause just when I thought it couldnt get no hotter 我瞥見了農夫的女兒 I caught a glimpse of the farmers daughter 她剛從巴拿馬城回來
她全身都曬黑了,但我還是覺得挺漂亮 She was just gettin home from Panama city 當她的目光與我相遇時 She was all tanned up and my kinda pretty 我想我肯定會喜歡我的工作 When her eyes met mine 白天越來越短,我們的談話時間越來越長 I was thinkin that I sure would love my job 親吻越來越甜蜜,感情也越來越強烈 As the days got shorter our talks got longer 所以我們跳上卡車,抱在一起 The kisses got sweeter and the feelings got stronger 只要有機會 So wed hop in the truck and get all tangled up 我們整夜都在河邊 Every chance we got 太陽出來後,我偷偷溜進了她的家 We were down by the river all night long 拖著我的屁股去工作 When the sun came up I was sneakin her home 我襯衫上有她的香水味 And draggin my butt to work 我會在拖拉機上,她會在我的腦海裡 With the smell of her perfume on my shirt 陽光照在我的背上 Id be on the tractor shed be on my mind 就在我以為不會更熱的時候 With that sun beatin down this back of mine 我愛上了農夫的女兒 Just when I thought it couldnt get no hotter 我們去年春天結婚了 I fell in love with the farmers daughter 哇,沒有比這更好的生活了 We got married last spring 我還在運乾草和餵豬 Woah and there aint no better life for me 那個夏天的太陽讓我像狗一樣流汗
於是我在小溪里乘涼 Im still haulin hay and feedin the hogs 她給我端來一杯甜冰茶 And that summer suns me sweatin like a dog 現在我在拖拉機上,她在我的腦海裡 So I cool off in the creek 我都等不及了 And she brings me out a glass of sweet ice tea 就在我覺得不能再熱的時候 Now Im on the tractor and shes on my mind 我回到了農夫的女兒身邊 And I cant wait till its quitin time 是的,農夫的女兒 And just when I think it cant get no hotter I come home to the farmers daughter Yeah, the farmers daughter