- 臟手指 Oh! Dirty Fingers 運河的故事 歌詞
- 臟手指 Oh! Dirty Fingers
- 詞曲:臟手指
主唱:管嘯天 吉他&合聲:邴曉海 貝斯&鋼琴&琵琶&合聲:張海明 鼓&打擊樂:李子超 中提琴:沈幟 歌詞翻譯:趙凱
我在運河裡潛水 I dived in the canal 我在運河裡潛水 I dived in the canal 我最最懷念 I missed the most 運河的臭味 The stench of the canal 我在運河裡撒網 I cast a net into the canal 我向岸邊上張望 I looked out to the bank 我要把夢一場 I'd catch the dream 一網打上 In just one throw 曾經運河裡有魚 The canal used to have fish 曾經岸邊上有你 The bank used to have you 白天我在河裡換氣 I caught my breath in the river during day 夜晚跟你一起喘息 I caught your breath in the night 一天城裡來的人 One day the guy from the city came 他清理了運河 He cleared out the canal 你也要跟他走 You went away with him “不是你不如他 “it's not that he is better than you, 是運河不夠瀟灑” it's just the canal is not natty enough” 你這樣對我說 You said to me “不是你不如他 “it's not that he is better than you, 是運河不夠瀟灑” it's just the canal is not natty enough” 你這樣對我說 You said to me
你要去慾海裡游泳 You went swimming in the ocean of desire 運河是海的喉嚨 Canal is the throat of the sea 你是固執的孤舟 You are the stubborn lone boat 遠離岸的守候 Away from the abiding bank 可你越是要遠離 Further you went 就越迷失自己 More confused you got 你那不被珍惜的勇氣 Your uncherished courage 讓你愈發覺得委屈 Grieved you even more 如今運河太清爽 Now the canal is too fresh 你太遍體鱗傷 And you are too bruised 回到我的身旁 Coming back to me “不是我不如她 “It is not that she's better than me, 是世上太多傻瓜” It's just there are too many fools” 你這樣對我說 You said to me
“不是我不如她 “It is not that she's better than me, 是世上太多傻瓜” It'sjust there are too many fools” 你這樣對我說 You said to me “這個世界那麼大 “The world is too big 卻容不下個傻瓜” To leave a place for a fool” 你這樣對我說 You said to me