- Coldplay Everglow 歌詞
- Coldplay
- 編曲: Chris Martin/Guy Berryman/Jonny Buckland/Mikkel S. Eriksen/Tor Erik Hermansen/Will Champion
縱朝去夜复,聚散無常 電吉他: Jonny Buckland 唯你若鑽石般璀璨,久駐我心 共同製作人: Rik Simpson 縱世事匆匆,前途難料 低音吉他: Guy Berryman 仍難忘你如花笑靨,仙骨玉顏 鼓: Will Champion 深知應就此放手,可仍難以割捨 音頻工程師: Bill Rahko/Bill Zimmerman/Daniel Green/Matt Tuggle/Miles Walker/Phil Tan/Rik Simpson/Roxy Pope/Tom Bailey 當我墜入無盡冰川,黑暗吞噬全身時 混音助理: Daniela Rivera/Jaime Sickora/Robin Baynton 當我癱於冰天雪地,絕望瀰漫上心頭時 助理母帶工程師: Chris Allgood 只有你手捧微弱光火,照亮漆黑的夜晚 主人聲: Chris Martin 你留下的一絲溫存,亦是星光般閃耀 和聲: Will Champion 是骨肉相連,或情同手足 母帶工程師: Chris Allgood/Emily Lazar/Merlin Watts 難以忘懷那晚“友誼長存”的誓言 人聲: Gwyneth Paltrow 可風向易改,流水難阻 Oh they say people come say people go 人生也如雪花墜落般短暫 This particular diamond was extra special 至今仍回溯你於腦海 And though you might be gone and the world may not know 當我陷入天寒地凍,孤獨難忍時 Still I see you celestial 波濤拍岸,嘴角濺起一絲鹹澀 When I should but I can't let you go 深知你會永伴於我,正如你予我不滅的光火 When I'm cold cold 縱然聚散無常,世事匆匆,你仍會伴我左右 Oh when I'm cold cold 你予我的絲絲溫存,構成了繁星斑駁的璀璨夜空 There's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow 此刻我只想抓住這一刻,與你泛舟徜徉 There's a feeling you give me everglow 因為早已認定,你留下的情愫,是我愛這個世界的理由 Like brothers in blood sisters who ride 若是心有所愛,則任身心所往 And we swore on that night we'd be friends 'til we die 是為了份情愫,更是為了這永恆的光火 But the changing of winds and the way waters flow Life is short as the falling of snow And now I'm gonna miss you I know When I'm cold cold In water rolled salt I know that you're always with me and the way you will show And you're with me wherever I go And you give me this feeling this everglow Oh what I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold Because I live for this feeling this everglow So if you love someone you should let them know Oh the light that you give me will everglow