- Set It Off N.M.E. 歌詞
- Set It Off
- Remove the gag and step away hes suffocating
正是因為你控制欲太強了 You pull the strings day after day 他才需要一個人靜一靜
你可別再出現了 Thats why he needs a break from you 離他遠一點吧
你不要掙扎了你這樣真的不行( ̄_, ̄) Bid your ass adieu 可惜他意識不到你們之間矛盾的關鍵
如果他能聽到我這些話就好了 A break from you 你還是離他遠點吧
不要鬧事靜靜離開 ***** your ass is through 別再找藉口了 Oh I hope he hears these words 不論你會直接放棄這段感情還是以後一直耿耿於懷
都不要再找藉口了 Maybe this time he will learn 你以後會不會捲土重來啊
你想好以後怎麼辦了嗎 You should escape 算了你可別再鬧事了
你以後啊,還是適合注孤(︶︹︺) Skip town 你別說了我都明白
你要是認為你們倆在一起很幸福 No more excuses 那你怎麼解釋現在的爛攤子
人家情侶小吵怡情你們這是大吵傷身啊 Abandon ship or drown 你不要再出現在他的世界裡
離他遠遠的 No more excuses 也離我遠遠的
別再狡辯了我不想听 Do you even have a plan of attack 你走吧
不要搞事了快走吧 A way to react 不要找藉口了
不論你利落地收手還是後悔一輩子 Oh no you should escape skip town 都不要再狡辯了行嗎
你會不會捲土重來啊 Youre better on your own 你想好以後怎麼辦了嗎
啊不行不行你趕緊走 Ok we get it 你注孤挺好的
如果你們有了婚約 Youre both a happy couple 主婚人問有誰敢反對嗎
我絕對舉雙手雙腳反對你們 Why else go through the trouble (主婚人)如果有任何人反對這樁婚事
(主婚人)請現在趕緊說,不說就過了啊 Of posting it ten times a day 那我絕對要起身罵你的
你趕緊走吧 Break from you 別說話,麻利兒的
我不聽我不聽 Bid your ass adieu 可能你走了之後還會留戀這段感情
但那和我無關我不要聽你的廢話了 We need a break from you 就算你打算打擊報復
或者實施其他什麼詭計 ***** your ass is through 我都不管了,你趕緊默默撤吧
你走了就好了 You should escape 你一個人就挺好
你單身就是對世人的救贖 Skip town 你就應該注孤
你也只能注孤 No more excuses
Abandon ship or drown
No more excuses
Do you even have a plan of attack
A way to react
Oh no you should escape skip town
Youre better on your own
If youre both in black and white And they ask who dares defy
Ill be raising my hand high high high high
If anyone should object to this marriage Speak now or forever hold your peace Yeah I got somethin' to say You should escape
Skip town
No more excuses
Abandon ship or drown
No more excuses
Do you even have a plan of attack
A way to react
Oh no you should escape skip town
Youre better on your own
Youre better on your own
Youre better on your own
Youre better on your own
Youre better on your own