- Set It Off The Haunting 歌詞
- Set It Off
- 'Come on in boy '
進來小伙子 Said the skeletons sitting by her closet door 坐在她櫥櫃門邊的骨架說道
骯髒的秘密空洞的記憶 Dirty secrets empty memories 撒在地板上破碎的心
我被打昏倒在地上 And broken hearts across the floor 你拖著我的腳將我引到鬼鎮
在那裡你將我掩埋 I was knocked out heels over head 一點也不奇怪沒有人聽到我的尖叫
愛是那樣鮮活卻在睡夢中死去 So you dragged me by my feet to a ghost town 現在它已枯萎
我仍存活在你的腦海中鬼魂一般徘徊在你該死的夢中 Where you buried me 沒有人將會像我那樣愛你 No wonder no one heard my screams 像我那樣對待你
繼續帶著你曾經的罪過 Loves so alive but it died in its sleep 沒有人將會像我那樣愛你
像我那樣撫摸你 And now that its dead 祝你好運另尋高枝 I live in your head and I will haunt your ******* dreams 逃跑吧既然你無法托出秘密 No one will love you like I did 她渴望鮮血已久
敏感的身體罪惡的旋律 Will treat you like I did 渴望著她槍中的子彈
他們入迷地傾聽每一個字 So go on wear that scarlet letter 他們眼中細小的漩渦
將愛人變成敵人 No one will love you like I did 只是為了看著他們被活生生地燒成灰燼
沒有人將會像我那樣愛你 Will touch you like I did 像我那樣對待你
繼續帶著你曾經的罪過 So good luck finding something better 沒有人將會像我那樣愛你
像我那樣撫摸你 Run away boy if you couldnt tell 祝你好運另尋高枝 Babys got a thirst for blood 也許某天你會找到想像中那樣完美的人
而我會帶著毒藥來履行我的諾言 A subtle system wicked melodies 等到那一天到來
該死的傢伙飛上天空 Craving bullets from her gun 充填你敞開的雙腿間的空虛
沒有人將會像我那樣愛你 So entranced they follow every word 像我那樣對待你
繼續帶著你曾經的罪過 Little spirals in their eyes 有人將會像我那樣愛你
像我那樣撫摸你 Catch a lover turn an enemy 祝你好運另尋高枝
沒有人將會像我那樣愛你 Just to watch themburn alive 像我那樣對待你
繼續帶著你曾經的罪過 No one will love you like I did 有人將會像我那樣愛你
像我那樣幹你 Will treat you like I did 祝你好運另尋高枝
So go on wear that scarlet letter
No one will love you like I did
Will touch you like I did
So good luck finding something better
Someday you may find that picture perfect guy
And Ill chase my words with poison
Until that day arrives
And swine take to the sky
Fill your void with open thighs so
No one will love you like I did
Will treat you like I did
So go on wear that scarlet letter
No one will love you like I did
Will touch you like I did
So good luck finding something better
No one will love you like I did
Will treat you like I did
So go on wear that scarlet letter
No one will love you like I did
Will you **** you like I did
So good luck finding something better