- 臉是熊M.TUT 在軌跡邊緣 歌詞
- 臉是熊M.TUT
- 混音:臉是熊MTUT
劃過指尖的沙是埋藏時間的表 順滑地獨自踏步,像迷霧裡飛的鳥 散漫的步伐,慢地走過霧霾的路 看誰煙塵裡的吞吐,透露著生人勿擾 看我游離在邊緣,沒時間偷閒 有天被壓力壓扁的男孩也學不會抽煙 像看著灰濛的光線 人擠人的場面 你笑我不夠自如 我笑你不就是穿的光鮮 6月的城市,繁忙的每日 一公里的主幹道30分鐘來停滯 空白竟是,那些成日盤踞心頭的事 虛榮的本質消逝卻又重來了形式 被牽制的自以為是的偏執,以為是變質的現實裡寶貴的堅持 費事獨自苦惱思考著無聊的鎖事 酣睡三個小時白費絞盡腦汁 Time stops the clock blocks my mind the globe goes bright and freezes in my sight eyes go roses, let the brain roll strolling down the road owning goal, holding my outside images fit my roles, character poses only you the one who can console and know me real me never ever expose before our meeting I take a note 我記錄著軌跡 He never knew where's the end of the story and the lonely boy was trapped and fell He doesn't knows how to jump to the right road though he was armed by skills He doesn't know why Why he got accused for untruth The cruel wounds that not gonna heal But well, cruising down the road that wind blows and the boy's still feeling well 打破status quo,跳出主路 似乎都難踏出第一步 不計其數的束縛 捆綁著珍藏的夢 不敢掀開的幕布 現代人都差點歸屬,都在找退路 都瞻前顧後害怕沒安全感不敢去追逐 像我告訴自己我很酷 就讓慾望的猛虎去捕食理想的麋鹿 Like one two and one and two We go hunt and move But we always care 什麼可以什麼才是不可以 那條路是否坦途 是否有觀眾鼓舞 有同行者傾訴 總是留戀流言,朋友圈裡的留言 有閒看好幾遍不如優先更多歷練 直到在最後一刻記不清歌舞 怎麼去追求當特立獨行的豬 爭執交織的勝古南里 奴隸社會的衝擊像是拳擊 言辭的犀利落下腐蝕的落雨 對錯的說句磨去像是碎玻璃 想被這音樂剝離 北極星男孩抬頭提醒 腳下的泥濘,孕育生長新生命 命運的賽車手抬著頭衝下去 Time stops the clock blocks my mind the globe goes bright and freezes in my sight eyes go roses, let the brain roll strolling down the road owninggoal, holding my outside images fit my roles, character poses only you the one who can console and know me real me never ever expose before our meeting I take a note 我記錄著軌跡 Time stops the clock blocks my mind the globe goes bright and freezes in my sight eyes go roses, let the brain roll strolling down the road owning goal, holding my outside images fit my roles, character poses only you the one who can console and know me real me never ever expose before our meeting I take a note 我記錄著軌跡