- Gin Wigmore Holding on to Hell 歌詞
- Gin Wigmore
- you sat on broken hearts
你在心碎之軀上 still I feel 我能感覺 I feel you moving on 感覺你怎樣行進 and I can't cope 我無力抵抗 I feel my body burn 只能任由身體燃起 I feel it cold, come over you 倏忽熄滅傾注你身 oh, open me baby 哦開啟我寶貝 something in the way 就要來了 something in the way that you move 就要來了就這樣行進 a little crazy 小小燃點 something in the way 就要來了 something in the way that you move 就要來了就這樣行進 put it in boarder 抱緊我 holding on to hell 一起去地獄 holding ain't no have to know 什麼都不要想 eight years the time 一次次 eat it like you hold it 品嚐這樹上惡果 goes around back in the hell 輪迴在地獄與仙境
聽又一次崩壞 hear, I'll hear your broken parts 我要你去愛 I want you to love 我要你愛我 I want you to love me well 可我不能給 but I can't give 給你整個我 I cannot give you all 給你整個我 I cannot give you all, no 哦開啟我寶貝 oh, open me babe 就要來了 something in the way 就要來了就這樣行進 something in the way that you move 小小燃點 a little crazy 就要來了 something in the way 反复在這墜落之境 holding on the way to the hell 迷醉在這惡魔之果 hell doesn't taste good 日復一日 days by the days 魂不守舍 days by the days in nowhere 抱緊我 holding my hand now 就要來了 something in the way 就要來了 something in the way 啊墜落 alright, sitting down 哦不要等待 oh, waiting don't you 無需思考 break my thoughts 共攀極樂 how high is the wave to go indogen 同溺苦果 how high this sawy to indulge in you more 哦哦哦寶貝就要來了 oh oh oh baby, something in the way 就要來了就這樣行進 something in the way that you move 哦寶貝 oh, oh baby 一起去地獄 holding on to hell 一起去地獄走 holding on to hell as we go 哦寶貝 oh, oh baby 一起去地獄 holding on to hell 一起去地獄走 holding on to hell as we go 哦寶貝 oh, oh baby 一起去地獄 holding on to hell 一起去地獄走 holding on to hell as we go 哦寶貝 oh, oh baby 一起去地獄 holding on to hell 一起去地獄走 holding on to hell as we go