- 末末罹 Say So (英中日版) 歌詞
- 末末罹
- 編曲: 無
日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so 日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning , keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so
不用在意方向對不對 只想問你走得累不累 和你的每一秒我都不想浪費(Night and Day ) 沉迷於這瞬間的心動 怪夜色太放縱 今夜我只想看到你 Boy I just wanna see you tonight
就跟著你在兜兜轉轉 漫無目的走走看看 心照不宣這份浪漫babe 不管世界多亂
日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so 日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so
鼓起勇氣屏住呼吸 胸を張って息をのんで 從沒見過我穿著這樣的裙子吧 見たことのないin a dress like this 沒有見過這麼棒的我吧 こんなに素敵な人はない 不敢相信我也可以讓你目瞪口呆吧 Prolly why 君は黙ったままlike zip 大膽去愛吧,你可以隨心所欲 Like it love it たまらん 放手一搏吧,把我據為己有 Take it own it奪った 別再觀望,專註一點 Stop playing 集中して 別再猶豫 遠慮なんていらない 主動出擊 Shut it save it 進め 老實說 正直に言え 我和你天生一對 Knowin you want all this woman 你難道不想試試 味わってみて 就算身邊的人都反對 週りが反対しても 我也要和你在一起 I have you with me 朋友們都說我被下了迷魂藥 友達がsayin you mad committed 我就是這樣不可代替 Realer than anybody 代わりがない 又觸手可及 All of the body 觸れていい
日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so 日夜流轉,請把我定格在這刻 Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment 我吐露自己的心聲,你為何一言不發 Id let you had I known it, why dont you say so? 甚至不需要特別注意,就知道不能再逆來順受 Didnt even notice, no punches left to roll with 你得讓我保持專注,勇敢的說出來吧,我知道你也想這樣 You got to keep me focused; you want it? Say so
我和你朝夕相處形影不離 夜朝までずっとそばにいて 已經給了那麼多暗示,為何還是無動於衷 合図をしたって言わないの?
晚安 おやすみ